Children on Campus Policy

1. Purpose/Abstract

The University has a legal duty of care for the health and safety of anyone using our premises. This policy has been developed to ensure reasonable and proportionate decisions are made when children access university premises. This policy should be read in conjunction with the University of Derby Safeguarding policy Safeguarding Policy - Safeguarding - University of Derby

2. Introduction

The University of Derby acknowledges the value and richness that welcoming families and communities into our campuses brings. This Policy has been created to bring a consistent approach in respect to bringing children on university premises whilst maintaining a professional environment for work and study.

As a university we work hard to ensure we provide a safe environment, but there is acknowledgement that University premises are not, in the main, designed to accommodate children. University buildings have not been designed to take into account the measures required to keep children safe and without harm and there are many hazards present, both in the layout of the buildings, the wider estate and in the equipment and machinery contained within this. Consequently, there are a number of dangers to which unsupervised children may be exposed.

3. Scope

This policy applies across all University premises, specifically buildings owned by the university, including offices, teaching and research spaces, library, and sports centre. For the purposes of this policy this also includes university owned accommodation/halls of residence.

The policy applies to all employees of the University of Derby including visitors and contractors engaged by the university. The policy applies to all students on a registered programme of study at the University of Derby.

Out of Scope – the University has a range of partnerships and also teaching which takes place in work-based learning settings. It is expected that partner institutions and other learning settings have their own policies and procedures in place.

Derby Theatre is out of scope for the purposes of this policy as a subsidiary to the University. It has in place a separate policy and procedure - Our Policies – Derby Theatre. 

4. Definitions

The term "staff" will be used to describe those people employed on a contract of employment at UoD, as well as those contracted through an agency, working on consultancy agreements, as contractors, on a voluntary or unpaid basis, or otherwise working for or on behalf of UOD. This Policy details the legal requirements, organisational procedures and best practice applicable to all staff.

The term "student" will be used to describe any student registered with UOD on a module, programme or course of study.

The legal definition of a "child" is a person under the age of 18[1]. The fact that a child has reached 16 years of age, is living independently and/or is in higher education does not change their status or entitlement to services or protection.

5. Responsibilities

PVC Deans of Colleges/Directors/Heads of Professional Services responsibilities:

Line Managers’ responsibilities:

Event Organiser’s responsibilities:

Individuals with childcare responsibilities:

6. Policy Statement

The University of Derby has a “duty of care” for the health, safety and welfare of all staff, students and visitors to its premises and those taking part in university organised activity. Children are permitted onto our premises for all activities listed in 6.1 and 6.2.1. Anything beyond 6.1 and 6.2.1 is not permitted and not covered within this policy.

There is a legal requirement to complete specific health and safety risk assessment for children (and young people). Appropriate consideration must be given to health, safety and safeguarding risks, as well as the impact of disruption to the normal operation of the university.

The University Safeguarding Policy and associated arrangements must be complied with at all times.

6.1 Planned events and activities

There are facilities and/or events/activities on campus that are open to members of the public and may legitimately be used by children and/or dependents of employees, students and visitors in circumstances which fall outside the remit of this Policy. These circumstances include, but are not limited to:

Robust health, safety and safeguarding arrangements must be in place for all organised events and activities, and this includes specific risk assessment and the implementation of robust risk control measures for children.

Completion of risk assessments and the implementation of appropriate controls, including supervision, is the responsibility of the event/ activity organiser.

Additional robust arrangements must be in place for organised events requiring access to higher risk environments such as laboratories or undertaking higher risk activity.

A number of locations and activities at the university are prohibited for children. Contact the Health, Safety and Wellbeing team for advice on prohibitions and high-risk activity Health and Safety (

6.2 Exceptional situations

6.2.1 In all other situations save for those outlined in 6.1, the presence of children on premises is not permitted and should only occur exceptionally. Exceptional circumstances may include;

In the event of such exceptional situations the Head of Department will put in place clear and accessible processes for making requests and will ensure that all arrangements are discussed and logged.

Prior to approval, the Head of Department must ensure effective risk assessment in relation to bringing a child or children onto campus for even short periods of time. Guidance is provided on the intranet (insert link)

6.2.2 Staff and Students must not bring children onto university premises where alternative childcare is not available to them as the parent / guardian of the children. It is unacceptable to ask another member of staff or student to undertake childcare responsibilities or to leave a child unattended on university premises.

6.2.3 Regardless of permitted situations outlined in 6.1 and 6.2.1, children must not be admitted to laboratories, workshops, studios, food outlet kitchens, or other hazardous areas or partake or be exposed to hazardous activity/ equipment.

6.2.4 Regardless of permitted situations outlined in 6.2.1, children should not be brought into learning and teaching (L&T) spaces (unless for an organised event). This includes attendance of children at university fieldwork activity, off campus.

6.3 Unaccompanied Children

Due to the open nature of our premises, unaccompanied children can gain access to our campuses, for example due to a public right of way.

In these circumstances it is the University’s duty to ensure that access can only be gained to low-risk (those not included in 6.2.3) and publicly accessible areas such as the Sports Centre.

The following must be reported immediately to campus security services:

 Where necessary, university campus security services will contact Derbyshire Police or other agencies.

7. Sanctions

It is the responsibility of Heads of Departments to enforce this policy.

The Head of Department or other appropriate senior manager can instruct the responsible adult to remove the child or children immediately from the university premises if they have any concerns about the safety or supervision of the child or children, or if their presence is causing a distraction for others.

Breaches of this policy may be formally investigated under the University’s Disciplinary policy for staff [Policy Hub - Staff Disciplinary Policy and Procedure ( and Student Conduct Procedures [Student Code of Conduct - Academic regulations - University of Derby]

The University’s policy detailing its commitment to safeguarding children and adults at risk in so far as they are engaged in university-related activities and services may be found at the University’s website Safeguarding - Governance policies - University of Derby

[1] Section 60(1) Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006