International Deposit Refund Policy

Please complete our form if you wish to request a refund. All refunds must be requested within 14 days of making the payment, or within 14 days of notification of a change of status to your application (such as receiving a CAS). Please note deposits are not guaranteed.

Please refer to the policy for all refund information (such as not meeting all your offer conditions, CAS or visa refusal). An administration charge may apply.

Please read this information carefully and ensure that you understand these terms and conditions before submitting your deposit refund request.

1. Purpose/Abstract

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University of Derby (herein the ‘University’) applies a consistent and fair approach to requests, from applicants, for an international tuition fee deposit refund. 

2. Scope

Tuition fee deposits are paid for by international students during the admissions process.

3. Definitions

4. Policy Statement

Applicants who are classed as overseas for fees purposes and are intending to study in the UK are required to pay a non-refundable deposit. Paying the deposit, along with meeting other conditions, (see our CAS issuance guidance) is required prior to an applicant being considered for a CAS.

Applicants are advised of the need to pay a deposit in the formal University Offer letter. The University refunds deposits only under certain circumstances, provided evidence has been given. The aim of this policy is to ensure there is transparency in regards to the international deposit refund criteria, and that the University applies a consistent and fair approach to deposit refunds.

4.1.1) The deposit is non-transferable between applicants and non-refundable except under the circumstances outlined below.

  • 4.1.2) Refund requests will be made in accordance with the refund criteria
  • 4.1.3) In line with the University’s anti-money laundering policy any deposits will only be refunded to the student or person that paid the deposit and by the original payment method
  • 4.1.4) Refunds will only be considered if the applicant has completed the request for refund online form see 4.4
  • 4.1.5) Refunds will not be considered from applicants that have confirmed their enrolment for a course
  • 4.1.6) Refunds are subject to an administrative fee of GBP £500 where clause 4.2.1 applies.

4.2: Refund critera

Refunds will only be made in the following circumstances:

  • i. An applicant requests the return of their deposit within 14 days of receipt of payment at the University under the Consumer Protection Regulations 2014
  • ii. The University is unable to provide the academic programme originally applied for, offered, and accepted and the applicant does not want to accept a place on any alternative offered
  • iii. The University is unable to issue a CAS due to a change in government policy or other unforeseen home or global events
  • iv. An applicant fails to meet the academic conditions of their offer. It is strongly advised that an applicant should only proceed to pay the deposit and request a CAS when they are confident, they have met the academic conditions of the offer
  • v. Personal circumstances (known as extenuating circumstances) for which evidence will be requested, include:
    a) serious personal accident or injury of self
    b) death of close family member (for example partner, parent, primary carer, child)
    c) medical emergency or requirement of long-term medical care for the applicant
  • vi. Refunds will be made to students who have been refused a student visa, providing that their visa application:
    a) is valid – they have provided proof that they have the finance and qualifications required and the documents provided are genuine as per Student Route visa requirements; and
    b) is timely – they have applied for their visa at least 28 days before the start date of their programme as detailed in the CAS; and
    c) provides proof of the visa refusal from the UKVI
  • vii. Refunds may be made to students where UKVI have been unable to assess the application in time for the student to be able to travel and enrol at the University providing that their visa application
    a) is valid – they have provided proof that they have the finance and qualifications required and the documents provided are genuine as per the student route visa requirements; and
    b) is timely – they have applied for their visa at least 28 days before the start date of their programme as detailed in the CAS; and
    c) provides proof of the visa issuance delay from the UKVI
  • viii. An applicant who had their deposit refund rejected by the University due to their initial visa rejection, however, had the initial decision overturned with a UKVI administrative review, may reapply for a visa refund see clause 4.3
  • ix. If an applicant has an offer of a place or CAS withdrawn, by the University, for reasons other than stated in this policy, the applicant may request that a refund request is considered, any such request must be supported by relevant evidence
  • x. The University reserves the right to vary the refund criteria if exceptional circumstances exist or arise. Exceptional circumstances are observed at the University’s discretion

4.2.2) Refunds will not be made in the following circumstances:

  • i. Failure to enrol on course by the published deadline, the UK Border Agency will be informed
  • ii. No refund will be given for applicants whose visa is refused for the following:
    a) Fraudulent application – if any part of the application is deemed to be fraudulent. This includes refusals based on deception, false representations, submission of false documents or false information, non-disclosure of relevant facts
    b) More than one refusal for insufficient funds – incorrect account type is used/not enough money is showing in the account/the money has not been in the account for the required period
    c) More than one refusal for incorrect documentation – documents have not been submitted as stipulated in the Home Office guidance
    d) Not attending the visa appointment unless there are extenuating circumstances that can be evidenced
    e) Undisclosed visa refusals for any country, and or poor immigration history
    f) Not disclosing information that may have impacted visa suitability 

It should be noted that if for any reason an applicant is found to have submitted fraudulent documents, misleading information, or is not a genuine applicant as part of their university application or CAS request or visa application the University will retain the full deposit.

  • 4.3.1) When an applicant requests a deferral, the deposit will be retained and will apply to the deferred application, unless the applicant submits a refund request
  • 4.3.2) If the applicant does not enroll on their deferred place, then unless an application has been made for a refund, the deposit will be retained and will not be refunded
  • 4.3.3) Only one option to defer under this policy is permissible
  • 4.3.4) If the student decides to ask to defer after they have confirmed the enrolment on their course, then the deposit will not be refunded
  • 4.3.5) The policy will only be varied if the applicant produces evidence of genuine grounds for the deferral, this will include the late issue of their visa
  • 4.5.1) Documentary evidence must be from an official source, such as the UKVI and is required before a refund can be considered
  • 4.5.2) Other documentary evidence could include, verified official medical reports, medical or death certificates. Others may be considered
  • 4.5.3) If the applicant is applying for a refund based on a visa refusal, they must provide irrevocable evidence that they are not in the UK and that the CAS or visa has been cancelled
  • 4.5.4) If the applicant is applying for a refund, for any other reasons listed above post arrival in the UK and before confirming their enrolment, they must provide irrevocable evidence that they are no longer in the UK and that the CAS or visa has been cancelled
  • 4.5.5) All such refunds will be made to the source of the original payment
  • 4.6.1) The University has a two-tier refund approval process in place for refund requests:
    Tier one: A senior member of the International Office will review any submission and form a recommendation to approve or reject a refund request. The IO may make suitable internal and external enquiries to validate the request and evidence as needed
    Tier two: The International Compliance Manager will receive all recommendations from the IO (both approvals and rejections) and, after consideration, has the authority to advise Finance to process an appropriate refund where a request is approved, subject to 4.6.2
  • 4.6.2) Refunds will only be approved/ rejected where both parties in 4.6.1 agree, where this is not the case then the Director of Academic and Student Services will be asked to consider the request further
  • 4.6.3) The parties in 4.6.1 may seek further guidance, as necessary, from the Director of Academic and Students Services
  • 4.6.4) Refund request outcomes will be made periodically throughout the recruitment window. Applicants will be advised of the outcome and where applicable should receive the refund within four weeks to the original source
  • 4.6.5) Refund requests, evidence and details of outcomes will be retained in line with the University’s document retention policy
  • 4.7.1) In the event of disagreement with the University’s decision an applicant may lodge an appeal, detailing why their case should be reviewed. No new evidence sent by the applicant will be considered
  • 4.7.2) The appeal must be received by the University no more than 14 days after notification of the refund request decision. Appeals received after this time will not be considered
  • 4.7.3) All appeals should be sent to the Assistant Registrar who will review the case and put it forward to the Director of Academic and Student Services for further consideration and a decision. To raise an appeal please email with your name, student ID (that starts with 100) and the subject line 'Appeal for Deposit
  • 4.7.4) The Director of Academic and Student Services' decision is final

4.8.1) All complaints should be sent to the Assistant Registrar who will review the case and put it forward to the Director of Academic and Student Services for further consideration and a decision. To raise a complaint, please email with your name, student ID (that starts with 100) and the subject line 'Appeal to Complaints'. 

4.9.1) Records on requests for refunds will be kept in line with the University document retention policy.

Request a refund

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