To ensure comparability of postgraduate research (PGR) student experience across the University of Derby a principle-based approach for considering PGR student fee waiver applications should be taken.
To support consideration of individual students College Research Degree Committees (CRDCs) consider the progression of all PGR students, with specific standing agenda items to consider PGR students for whom there are progression issues. Applications approved by CRDC Chair and PVC Dean for Colleges during the academic year are reviewed once per academic year by the UIRC Fee Waiver Sub-Committee, , consisting of the Provost Innovation and Research, Associate Provost Innovation and Research, Chair of the University Professorial Council, Associate Provost Learning and Teaching, Head of PGR Delivery Support and supported by a member of the Research Student Office as officer to the sub-committee. The sub-committee will review all PGR fee waiver applications made to Colleges and provide recommendations around consistency of approach to ensure the principles of this Policy are appropriately applied across the University and to provide the University Innovation and Research Committee (UIRC) with an annual overview.
To support this process the following are now in place.
- To ensure clarity the programme milestone dates for individual PGR students are overtly available to students and their supervisory teams on PhD Manager.
- Individual student progression is monitored via
- Progression Review Meetings
- Annual Review Reports
- Application for Registration
- Confirmation/Transformation of Registration
- The Regulatory requirement that PGR students meet with their entire supervisory team at least six times per year.
1. Introduction
One of the principles underlying the introduction of the MPhil/PhD Framework is to support the timely programme completion of PGR students. Timely completion is important for the University’s students as it is important for their career progression and helps to ensure that their research is timely and impactful. Delays in a student progressing can have financial implications for them and the University, which can involve fee waivers. Additionally timely completions are important in the context of the Research Excellence Framework 2029.
It should also be noted that the offer letter, tuition fees leaflet, contract, induction, the PGR Student Regulations all specify the programme length. Additionally, for students in receipt of a bursary the duration of funding is detailed in the contract.
This Policy provides the principles the University of Derby (hereby referred to as ‘The University’) will adhere to in the support and operation of fair, inclusive, consistent and transparent approach to the consideration of PGR student fee waivers. This aligns with the University’s Innovation and Research Strategy, supports the principles of the Universities UK Concordat for Research Integrity and requirements of the Office for Students.
2. Scope
This University Postgraduate Research Student Fee Waiver Policy provides the principles which will underpin the consideration of fee waiver applications by the University’s PGR students. This Policy applies to all employees and visiting researchers of the University, including persons holding honorary University appointments and all PGR students, with the exception of those who are in the taught phase of a professional doctorate. Fee waivers from Professional doctorate students related to the taught phase of their studies should be considered using the principles and procedures appropriate for students on taught programmes.
This Policy is subject to the oversight of the University Innovation and Research Committee.
3. Definitions
For the purpose of this Policy:
- Research is defined (based on the Research Excellence Framework, 2021 definitions) as original investigation undertaken in order to acquire knowledge and understanding, which is effectively shared.
- The University: All Colleges, Departments and Group Companies of the University of Derby.
4. Policy Statement
This Policy outlines the principles which should underpin the consideration of fee waiver applications from the University’s PGR students, with the exception of applications associated with the taught phase of professional doctorate programmes.
4.1 Policy principles
Decisions to offer a fee waiver to PGR students MUST be made using the following principles.
- The student has encountered a significant delay to the progress in their project due to practical issues, for example equipment availability/ breakdown or fieldwork problems.
- Fundamental change in the research topic due to reasons beyond the control of the student.
- Incomplete supervisory team e.g. as a result of supervisors leaving the University and significant delays (beyond the norms defined in the PGR Regulations) re-establishing the supervisory team.
- A breakdown in supervisor/student relationships resulting in evidenced ineffective supervision.
- The student has had a significant period away from the project due to sick leave etc. Note that this should be considered in the context of the student’s Studentship Contract.
- For PGR students who are also staff at the University, specific issues associated with workload.
The timeline of evidence to support applications against any of the above principles MUST be clearly evidenced on PhD Manager. For example, via Progression Review reports, Annual Progress Reports, Supervision meeting notes or if appropriate associated with assessment milestones such as the Application for Registration or Confirmation/Transfer of Registration. Particularly through Supervision meeting notes there should be evidence of what has been done to address the reason influencing the student’s progress. Additionally, evidence of the concerns with an individual student’s progress should be evidenced CRDC minutes.
4.2 Policy Development
This Policy is based on a paper which was approved by VCE/EVCE in August 2018 and has been the basis for the operation of PGR student fee waiver since. Developing it into a formal Policy format has been undertaken to ensure clarity of governance. The revision of the policy allows Colleges to apply fee waivers at any time during the academic year in order to facilitate the student journey when appropriate. It moves the approval of fee waivers to the Colleges but still presents opportunity for UIRC to provide cross-University monitoring and make recommendations on fee waiver policy implementation. The revised Policy has been informed by feedback from CRC Chairs and considered by the University Professorial Council and UIRC.
5. Policy Implementation
Once the University Innovation and Research Committee has approved the reviewed Postgraduate Research Student Fee Waiver Policy the procedural implementation will be initiated via Innovation and Research, UIRC and CRDCs.
Each CRDC will provide the UIRC Fee Waiver Sub-Committee with an annual report which will form the basis for an annual report to UIRC (for the September meeting), which provides an overview of the operation of the processes associated with this Policy, compliance and any breaches. UIRC will provide Academic Board with an annual update.
6. Sanctions
Failure of staff or students to comply with this Policy will be addressed in the context of the University’s Research Misconduct Policy and Procedures.
7. Related Documentation
Postgraduate Research Academic Regulations.
These Regulations define the timelines for the University’s PGR programmes, the timing and requirements of associated milestones and support mechanisms and the University’s expectations of PGR students, Supervisory Teams, CRDC and UIRC in ensuring a student completes their programme in a timely manner.