Support to Participate in University Life Support to Study.

Support to Study, is the University of Derby's coordinated, inclusive and supportive response when a students health, wellbeing or behaviour is impacting on their ability to engage with the requirements, regulations and responsibilities of university life as a whole.

This procedure is a replacement for the Fitness to Participate in University Life procedure. It has been updated and aims to be more compassionate, supportive and inclusive for students. 

Below is a simple explanation of the different stages of the process, the full policy document can be found on the Support to Study page. If you have any questions about the process, please get in touch with Student Services, Support to Study team at

1. Referral
2. Information gathering
3. Support to Study Meetings
4. Support Options
5. Reviews
6. Appeal Process

Referral into the Support to Study process can be from academics, halls, colleges or from the student themselves if there are concerns that health, wellbeing or behaviour is impacting the students ability to engage with university life.

Referrals are completed through the Support to Study referral form.

At this stage, conversations will happen between student services, the referrer and the student. Other areas such as halls, conduct and the international team may also be involved. This is so all the information can be coordinated, to help support the student. Student Services may also ask the student with their consent to request some medical information from their external team in order to fully understand the impact of attending University may have on their health. 

A risk assessment may also take place at this point. This is to ensure that any risks from the programme, from halls of residence, risks to the student or from the student are understood. If there are high risks that cannot be reduced through support, it may result in a temporary pause in studies for the student under the temporary suspension procedure. This will be explained carefully to the student to ensure no further distress.

There are two levels of Support to Study, and two levels of meetings. Full descriptions can be found in the Policy document, but these are referred to as exploratory and panel.


Exploratory meetings will be held with a member of Student Services, and often a member of a student's college or academic team. Held face to face at the University it is a more informal conversational meeting to discuss concerns, support and next steps.


Panel meetings follow a more formal procedure, with the Head of Student Services (or nominated deputy), Dean or nominee of the relevant college and may include others from around the University. There will be a pack of statements and evidence supplied by the student and their supporters. 

Return to Study

This meeting takes place when a student is ready to return to study after a period of illness or a longer break in study. It takes the same format as an exploratory level meeting and looks at the recovery, ongoing care or support and what the University can do to help support the student.

The meetings are designed to be supportive, open and collaborative. Students will be able to bring someone to support them - a family member or a friend, or a member of The Union of Students. Students will be given reasonable time to prepare for a meeting and may be asked to provide statements or medical evidence. 

Support from the Union of Students is available to all students, and support may also be available from the universities Student Services Team. It is important students reach out and ask for support when needed.

Support following the meeting will be dependent on the level of the Support to Study and the discussions in the meeting. The full list of meeting outcomes can be found in the policy.

Alongside any of the options support will be offered. Communication will be supportive and compassionate. We want all our students to achieve their best while they are with us, and any outcomes will be decided in the student's best interest within the policy guidelines.

Outcomes and action plan points from the Support to Study process will be reviewed jointly with the student and their supporters. It is important that all areas of the University, and external support works together to ensure the student remains well and successful on their University journey. Reviews may take place through further meetings, telephone calls or checking in with the support offered to the Student. 

If there are changes to the students condition, the action plan/outcomes are not working for the student or if the student is not engaging with the offered support, further Support to Study meetings at exploratory or panel level may be instigated. 

A student has the right to appeal to the University regarding decisions at the panel level on one or more of three grounds. The student is also able to appeal to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA) once all the Support to Study procedures have been completed. All the review and appeal information can be found in the policy document. Support is available through this process from the Union of Students.