FOI Publication Scheme

A publication scheme is a guide that describes the information a public authority publishes or intends to publish. This requirement was introduced under The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). The intention of the scheme is to ensure that a significant amount of information is easily and routinely available

Model Publication Scheme for Higher Education

The Information Commissioner's Office publishes a 'model publication scheme' and 'definition document for universities and other higher education institutions'.

These documents set out the types of information universities are expected to publish. We have adopted this model publication scheme and are committed to publishing the information it describes, as guided by the definition document and the terms of the Act itself.

Information covered by the Publication Scheme

This publication scheme is intended to provide a guide to the information that we publish, and should not be considered a definitive list of information available. To access the information available, via the publication scheme, simply select the of class of information below, and follow the links to view the available resources.

The classes of information covered by the Scheme are set out below. They however, will usually not include:

Classes of Information

  1. Who we are and what we do
  2. What we spend and how we spend it
  3. What our priorities are and how we are doing
  4. How we make decisions
  5. Our policies and procedures 
  6. Lists and registers
  7. The service we offer

The majority of the information in the Scheme is available via a web link or on request, either electronically or as a paper document, using the email  

Information not covered by the Publication Scheme

Any information not included in this scheme may still be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or other legislation. Please contact the Assurance Services at

Copyright statement

Copyright over all the information listed within the publication scheme is owned by University of Derby unless stated otherwise.


The Model Publication Scheme we have adopted allows us to levy charges for the provision of information in order to recover our costs.

All online information available through our websites is provided free of charge.

We aim to utilise our websites as the main means of making information available, however we do not disadvantage those without internet access from being able to access our information. If you would like to receive our publications in hard-copy we can provide this through standard post services by contacting Usually this is free of charge, but where large requests may result in costs, a list of our fees can be found in the disbursements section on our Freedom of Information Fees web page.

Need advice?

For more information or advice regarding FOIA  or EIR requests, please contact our FOI team at