Who we are and what we do

Class One

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts

1.1 Legal Framework

The University of Derby was established on 14 January 1993 under the provisions of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992. It was subsequently incorporated as a limited company. The company registration number is 3079282. The University became an exempt charity by order in Council made on 30 November 1995 (SI 1995 No 2998). More information, including our Constitutional documents can be found below.

1.2 How the Institution is organised

Information about our governance and leadership is on our Governance web pages. You will find details of the Governing Council, and its sub-committees, including meeting minutes.

1.3 Location and contact details

1.4 Organisations/Partnerships we are responsibility for, or we work with

The University Group


Find out more about our partnerships.

Civic and community

1.5 Student activities

1.6 Gender pay gap reporting

As an organisation committed to equity, inclusion and wellbeing, we are open and transparent with our pay gap information.