Professor Chris Bussell
Pro-Vice Chancellor / Dean, College of Science and Engineering, and Executive Lead for Environmental Sustainabilit
On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor's Executive, Chris Bussell has cross-University responsibility for leading the development, implementation and advancement of the University’s work in environmental sustainability. This includes our environmental management system and carbon management plan, as well as the University’s biodiversity plan and inclusion of Responsible Futures within the curriculum.
Chris also oversees the coordination of the University’s research allied to environmental sustainability through the work of the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre, the DE-carbonise project and support to businesses across the D2N2 LEP to reduce their carbon emissions. Chris is the Principal Investigator on the DUST Project – Derby’s Urban Sustainable Transition – which aims to reimagine Derby for a sustainable future and will create an augmented reality representation of the city capitalising on its blueways and greenways to increase the vibrancy and prosperity of Derby for all.
Andrew Bevan
Director of Estates
Dan Illsley
Interim Assistant Director of Estates- Property and Projects
Liz Thompson (PIEMA)
Environment and Sustainability Manager
Liz joined the team in March 2020 and is responsible for the coordination of the University's Environmental Management System, which is certified to ISO 14001. This includes carrying out regular internal audits, delivering training and setting the University's environmental objectives and targets each year.
Liz is responsible for engaging with staff and students across the University on environmental and sustainability issues. These can include aspects such as waste, carbon, biodiversity and procurement.
Tony Walkington (AIEMA)
Environment and Sustainable Travel Manager
Tony works on the development and implementation of the University’s Sustainable Travel Plan.
Victor Chukwuemzie
Energy Manager
Victor joined the Estates Department at the University of Derby in December 2024, bringing expertise in energy management and sustainability. He oversees energy consumption across university sites, manages utility supplies and invoices, and drives initiatives to improve energy efficiency.
Molly Dolan (AIEMA)
Sustainable Transport Coordinator
Molly supports the transport function and wider estates sustainability team including the decarbonisation of the fleet, supporting the implementation of the Sustainable Travel Plan, assisting with sustainability days, planning Go Green Week and supporting ISO 14001 internal auditing.
Tom Mizuro
Engineering Manager
Tom is responsible for highlighting engineering opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint.
Richard Payne
Service Delivery Manager
Richard is responsible for both the waste and catering contracts at the University and is therefore involved in developing and implementing the University's Sustainable Food Policy, as well as investigating and setting up new recycling schemes across our sites. Richard is also responsible for the Cleaning Team and is working to develop more sustainable cleaning methods.
Dr Chris Ribchester (BA, PhD, SFHEA, FRGS)
Associate Professor: Learning and Teaching
Chris Ribchester is the Pedagogic Lead for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) within the Pedagogic Practice Team at Derby. He works closely with colleagues across all academic disciplines exploring ways in which sustainability topics and debates can be embedded into the student learning experience. He co-chairs the Responsible Futures Steering Group and co-convenes the ESD Network, which is an important mechanism for bringing together staff from across the University to share practice and ideas.
Dr Fred Paterson
Associate Professor, Sustainable Business and Clean Growth
Fred leads on Sustainable Business and the Green Economy for the Business Improvement Research Cluster. He is also Project Lead for the DE-Carbonise Business project which is an ERDF funded project that works with SMEs to decarbonise their operations and develop sustainable supply chains. Alongside this, Fred leads the Low Carbon Business Network that supports the interests of 150 pro-environmental SMEs across the region.
Dr Bruno Gallotta
Project Researcher
Bruno is a Researcher on the ERDF DE-Carbonise project, which is an ERDF funded project that works with SMEs to decarbonise their operations and develop sustainable supply chains. He is the lead researcher for the Sustainable Supply Chain cohort, providing pro-environmental consultancy and support for SMEs in the D2N2 region. Bruno's research topics include Sustainability Operations, Circular Economy applied to supply chains and innovation applied to SMEs.
Rosemary Horry
Senior Lecturer in Environmental Management
Rosemary is the Chair of the Fairtrade Committee. She is responsible for ensuring we continue to be a Fairtrade University as well as educating students and staff as to why Fairtrade matters. Rosemary is on the Environmental Steering Group where she reports on progress against the Fairtrade plan and is also a Trade Union representative.;
Dr Jo Bishton
Head of Equity, Inclusion and Wellbeing
Jo is the lead for the University's sustainability and people agenda and therefore recognises how we have a vital role to play in building sustainable futures in relation to our people in the way that we work together and the opportunities that we provide to embed sustainability into our people experiences.
Julie Thompson
TCI Consultant
Julie is a member of the People, Culture and Experience Team. She plays a key role in implementing and embedding people-related sustainable practices within the employee lifecycle to attract sustainability-minded talent, raise awareness and develop an understanding of sustainability, and promote green behaviours and mindset.
Adam Gomes
Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Adam joined the University in 2020 as the Head of Health, Safety & Wellbeing and in several previous roles has Directed the Environmental and Sustainability functions. As part of the People, Experience and Culture Department, he helps ensure sustainability is an integral area of the staff offering, raising awareness of the University’s sustainability objectives, including it within project planning and combining it with financial savings, mental health initiatives and staff training. In addition to this Adam is a member of the EAUC (Alliance for Sustainability Leadership in Education), an accredited ISO:14001 lead auditor and is currently applying for Fellowship level of The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).