Our Fairtrade plan

Fairtrade at Derby

A summary of our Fairtrade at Derby SMART plan (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based) for April 2022 to April 2024. Note this is a snapshot of a dynamic document. 

The Fairtrade Committee


The numbers refer to Fairtrade Award criteria. We also include information on specific actions and what has been, is being or will be done.

Leadership and strategy (MN001)

Requirement: A functioning Fairtrade (FT) committee that reports into leadership and/or governance structures.

Our Committee membership includes all those necessary for the delivery of this plan, including all University and Union catering managers, and student reps. A committee is in place that includes students. Please contact Rosemary Horry if you would like to be involved.

The committee submits reports to the Vice-Chancellor's Executive via the Environmental Sustainability Steering Group.

Leadership and strategy (MN002)

Requirement: A SMART action plan to be endorsed by University Senior Management and the Union Board of Trustees. Our plan is endorsed by both but as it is a constantly evolving document it is available via request: please email r.e.horry@derby.ac.uk.

Leadership and strategy (MN003)

Requirement: A commitment of intent to support Fairtrade and its values within the last two years signed by senior management and their retail and catering outlets and this is published.

Our agreed Fairtrade Statement re-endorsed by University Vice-Chancellor Kathryn Mitchell, Martin Beaumont and Emma Taylor-Large (CEO of the Union of Students), Chris Meynell, Ibrahim Lorgat, Richard Greensmith and Moz Lynch. It is published on our website.

Campaigning and influencing (MN004)

Fairtrade Fortnight activities happened across the University sites to engage students with Fairtrade.

Campaigning and influencing (MN005)

Requirement: Innovative campaigns on Fairtrade, trade justice or ethical consumption, run in partnership with students.

Buxton and Leek: Further education welcome events: Fairtrade Cake Extravaganzas, with Fairtrade cakes baked by students with learning differences and/or disabilities are always popular events.

A student-led project has commenced to create a Fairtrade/Sustainability Student Society.

Procurement, retail and catering (MN006)

Requirement: All outlets to stock FT products in certain categories, and work to increase the number of lines or items sold year on year: 

All procurement partners are working on sourcing and stock levels to meet this target.

Procurement, retail and catering (MN007)

All commercial outlets stock at least one FT line in at least two of the following (where category is stocked): 

All procurement partners are working at sourcing and stock levels to meet this target.

Procurement, retail and catering (MN008)

Requirement: Point of Sale (POS) material in all relevant outlets. 

POS material is less than two years old, displayed close to products and highlights FT products, with information on benefits of FT to growing communities.

Very little POS material is available so we’re improvising with our own creations.

Research and curriculum (MN009)

Requirement: Carry out scoping activities among students and/or staff to inform our Fairtrade work, and make the findings publicly available. Conduct Fairtrade survey of staff. Get at least 100 participants. Survey results are available on request l.thompson@derby.ac.uk.

Research and curriculum (MN010)

Requirement: Provide and publicise opportunities for students to investigate Fairtrade, trade justice or ethical consumption issues on or off campus within their coursework or dissertations.

A question of collating existing opportunities.

Opportunities in generic terms are published on the webpage. For further information please contact r.e.horry@derby.ac.uk.

Outcomes (MN011)

Requirement: Publication of annual progress report, made publicly available.

Outcomes Report written and published online on the University's website.

Leadership and strategy (LD001)

Requirement: The Union has one or more active policies which support FT passed within the last three years, and published online.

Policy is expressed through the Fairtrade Statement.

Leadership and strategy (LD002)

Requirement: The University has one or more active policies supporting FT passed within the last three years, and published online.

Fairtrade is included in our Environmental Policy.

Campaigning and influencing (CI001)

Requirement: FT at inductions.

Inclusion of FT in the Buxton and Leek College (BLC) Support Services induction video. FT is mentioned in the video. 

All students receive the Welcome magazine which tells them about Fairtrade at Derby.

Campaigning and influencing (CI004)

Requirement: Piece of work with a local off-campus group.

In the past, we have worked with the Chair of Leek Fairtrade Town to participate in Fairtrade celebration in Leek. We are looking to reinstate this in the coming year.

Campaigning and influencing (CI007)

Requirement: Effective web presence. Update FT web pages every six months.

Web pages are updated as necessary.

Campaigning and influencing (CI008)

Requirement: Social media. Regular and inspiring communication via social media.

This is done through Student Communications as well as other social media eg Chaplaincy.

Campaigning and influencing (CI009)

Requirement: Sharing good practice. We conducted a peer review with Kingston University to discuss how we were working on Fairtrade and to share knowledge on what works to engage staff and students.

Campaigning and influencing (CI010)

Requirement: Stall at Freshers’ Fair.

Increase the student mandate for FT through a FT stall at Freshers’ Fair in Derby.

Collected names of students who want to get more involved by:

The Freshers' stall was run by students this year and was encouraging participation in the creation of the Fairtrade/Sustainability Society.

Campaigning and influencing (CI012)

Requirement: Partnership has supported students to fundraise for Fairtrade Foundation.

We are hoping that the new society will take this criteria forward in the future.

Procurement, retail and catering (PL001)

Requirement: The partnership has proactively engaged staff and publicised Fairtrade for communal tea, coffee, hot chocolate and sugar in staff areas and offices. We are working with our Sustainability Champions on this.

Procurement, retail and catering (PL002)

This is all about offering Fairtrade products were stocked but we do not sell many bananas so this is currently a challenge as there is a minimum order requirement.

Procurement, retail and catering (PL003)

Requirement: The partnership has captured FT sales data for the previous two academic years and reported back to the FT Foundation.

FT sales is only captured by all our procurement partners. Data is available on request from r.e.horry@derby.ac.uk.

Procurement, retail and catering (PL004)

Requirement: Partnership has included terms in tender documentation that reference Fairtrade requirements for relevant categories, or states that Fairtrade suppliers will be preferred.

We have identified tender documentation referring to fairly traded/ethically sourced goods.

Model Tender Questions and Response Guidance Documentation has been identified. 

Procurement, retail and catering (PL007)

Requirement: In last two years, partnership has engaged with at least one of the following stakeholders to adopt or increase FT commitments:

Existing suppliers have been contacted to try to increase products. 

Procurement, retail and catering (PL010)

Requirement: Sales promotions (discounts, competitions, loyalty cards etc) are run on FT products periodically throughout the year. Loyalty cards are in place in most areas.

Research and curriculum (RC001)

Requirement: Teaching staff to take part in the Global Goals Teach-In, and include FT issues within their teaching, learning or assessment during annual teach-in. This year we had 49 take part, putting us at 8th place in the Teach-in League table. 

Research and curriculum (RC002)

Requirement: Follow-up research among a broad range of students and staff to inform its FT work and make findings publicly available. Should link back to baseline research conducted as part of the mandatory criteria.

We use the Fairtrade Survey every year so we will follow up on this next year to see if the new Student Union society has made a difference. Report available via request to l.thompson@derby.ac.uk .

Research and curriculum (RC003)

Requirement: Support two or more students to complete an investigation of FT, trade justice or ethical consumption issues on or off campus within course work or dissertation. Share key findings publicly.

Offers are made to encourage students to do research into FT throughout their courses. The aim is to encourage this more throughout the University via academics who are involved with the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Group. 

Research and curriculum (RC004)

Requirement: Peer-review another FT University or College partnership.

This was achieved through a peer review audit with Kingston University.

Research and curriculum (RC005)

Requirement: Baseline curriculum review/audit for FT, trade justice or ethical consumption themes conducted and published. Review to be published.

This was conducted and the findings were published for students and staff engagement via the ESD group.

Research and curriculum (RC006)

Requirement: Commence or complete research into FT, trade justice or ethical consumption issues, plan to make findings public and utilise for future activities.

Identify whether any of our academics has recent research to offer. We aim to do more on this area moving forward.

Research and curriculum (RC007)

Requirement: At least one academic to have joined the FT Directory of Supporting Academics.

Deb Raha was our staff member in the Directory in 2023, she has now left the University and we are hoping another member of staff will join shortly.

Research and curriculum (RC008)

Requirement: Partnership has connected its FT work with decolonising its curriculum by providing students with more opportunities to learn through the lens of producers.

Consultation has taken place with relevant colleagues. Teaching and learning materials have been identified.

Research and curriculum (RC009)

Requirement: Commenced/completed validation of a module specialising in FT, ethical consumption and trade justice.

Research with colleagues. This is an ongoing piece of work.

Innovative Interventions (II01)

Our first innovative intervention is that of increasing student engagement. This year we have a very keen student who is going to deliver a lecture to a group of students about why they should buy Fairtrade and why it matters to the Union of Students. We had a volunteer to help with the collation of evidence for the audit and we have an OCIS student who is working on future plans for Fairtrade activities here at Derby.

Innovative Interventions (II02)

Our next innovative intervention is the involvement of our Sustainability Champions which means the message of Fairtrade is spreading more rapidly around the University sites. 

Innovative Interventions (II03)

Our third intervention is the student society which we hope will be formed shortly.

Innovative Interventions (II04)

The final intervention is our Charity Lunch which runs on a Wednesday in the Multifaith Centre which sees people of different faiths and beliefs coming together to share Fairtrade produce.