The Disability Pay Gap

This is the second year that the University has voluntarily reported its disability pay gap. The 2023 Disability Pay Gap Report is based on data from April 2022 to March 2023.

There are 2791 employees included in the analysis, noting a high disclosure rate of 98.4%.

Table 11 illustrates the disability pay gap for 2023.

There has been:

Data shows that overall, employees without a declared disability earn slightly more. When benchmarked with the UK disability pay gap of 14.6%, the University compares favourably.

Work associated with the Disability Confident Employer scheme ensures our aim for an equitable and universally accessible working environment.

Table 11: Disability Pay Gap, 2022-2023

Pay Gap 2023 2022
Mean 4.7% 6.2%
Median 2.7% 0.2%

Bonus Payments by Disability

Table 12 outlines the proportion of people with a declared disability who received a bonus in 2023.

Table 12: Proportions of Bonus Payments by Disability 2022-2023

Bonus Payments Percentage Headcount
All Groups with Disabilities 4.0% 7
No Declared Disability 2.7% 81
Bonus Payments Percentage Headcount
All Groups with Disabilities 2.5% 7
No Declared Disability 3.5% 81

Table 13 provides details of the mean and median of bonus payments made to those with a declared disability in 2023.

Negative percentages highlight that bonus payments made to employees with a declared disability were higher than those paid to employees without a declared disability. 

Table 13: Mean and Median Bonus Payments by Disability, 2022-2023

Bonus Payments



Mean -16% 2.79%
Median -45% 0%

Hourly Pay

The University takes a nuanced approach to recording disability and enables its employees to self-select from a set category, providing a greater understanding of the disabling conditions that employees are working with.

Table 14 shows the hourly rate of pay by selected disability and no disability in 2023.

When benchmarked, the ONS census of 2021 records a UK median for people with a disclosed disability of £12.10 (ONS, 2024). In comparison with the UK, the University pays its staff with a declared disability over £6.00 an hour higher.

Table 14: Average Hourly Pay Rates by Disability, 2022-2023

All Declared Disabilities Hourly Pay Difference in hourly pay to no Declared Disability
No Declared Disability £20.15 -
Deaf or serious hearing impairment £20.61 -0.02
Specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D £19.75 0.02
Other Type of Disability £18.87 0.06
Long standing illness or health condition e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart disease £20.65 -0.02
Two or More Impairments and/or Disabling Medical Conditions £18.75 0.07
Prefer Not To Say £19.81 0.02
Physical Impairment or Mobility Issues £20.29 -0.01
Mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder £15.83 0.21
General learning disability (such as Down's syndrome £18.47 0.08
Social/communication impairment e.g. an autistic spectrum disorder £17.71 0.12
Blindness or Serious Visual Impairment Uncorrected by Glasses £15.82 0.21
Mean Median
No Declared Disability £20.15 £18.82
All Groups with Disabilities £19.22 £18.29
All Declared Disabilities Hourly Pay Difference in hourly pay to no Declared Disability
No Declared Disability £19.12 -
Deaf or serious hearing impairment £15.39 0.20
Specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D £19.61 -0.03
Other Type of Disability £18.46 0.03
Long standing illness or health condition e.g. cancer, diabetes, heart disease £19.48 -0.02
Two or More Impairments and/or Disabling Medical Conditions £16.65 0.13
Prefer Not To Say £17.44 0.09
Physical Impairment or Mobility Issues £20.66 -0.08
Mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder £14.21 0.26
General learning disability (such as Down's syndrome £14.96 0.22
Social/communication impairment e.g. an autistic spectrum disorder £15.89 0.17
Blindness or Serious Visual Impairment Uncorrected by Glasses £15.84 0.17
Mean Median
No Declared Disability £19.12 £17.28
All Groups with Disabilities £17.94 £17.25