The Ethnicity Pay Gap

The University voluntarily reports its Ethnicity Pay Gap information. The 2023 Ethnicity Pay Gap Report is based on data from April 2022 to March 2023.

There are 2,791 employees included in the analysis, noting a high disclosure rate of 99% for ethnicity data used.

Table 6 shows the ethnicity pay gap for 2023.

Since the University began monitoring its ethnicity pay gap information, it has consistently reported a negative ethnicity pay gap.   A negative percentage means that minority ethnic employees earn a higher average hourly rate than employees who identify as white.

Work taking place through the Race Equality Charter ensures that race remains an institutional priority.

Table 6: Ethnicity Pay Gap, 2021-2023

Pay Gap 2023 2022 2021
Mean -4.5% -4.5% -2.4%
Median -11.3% -9.2% -4.10%

Across the UK, the ethnicity pay gap has been steadily narrowing of the ethnicity pay gap (6.9% to 5.6% - (ONS, 2024). The University compares well when externally benchmarked and suggests that the work being undertaken to support the career pipeline of its ethnic minority employees is having an impact.

Bonus Payments by Ethnicity

Table 7 outlines the bonus payments by proportion and ethnicity for 2023.

Table 7: Proportions of Bonus Payments by Ethnicity, 2022-2023

Bonus Payments



All Ethnic Minority Groups 1.2% 4
Ethnically White 3.03% 67
Bonus Payments



All Ethnic Minority Groups 1.3% 4
Ethnically White 3.73% 84

Table 8 presents the mean and median bonus payments made by ethnicity in 2023.

Table 8: Mean and Median Bonus Payments by Ethnicity, 2022-2023

Bonus Payments 2023 2022
Mean 24% -2.02%
Median 30% 0%

Hourly Pay

Table 9 shows the average hourly pay of all employees by ethnicity in 2023.

Table 9: Average Hourly Pay Rates by Ethnicity, 2021-2023

All ethnic groups Hourly Pay Difference in hourly pay to ethnically white
White £19.90
Black £21.62 -0.01
Asian £20.52 -0.01
Mixed Race £19.24 0.1
Arab £24.18 -0.9
Other £22.05 -0.02
Unknown £22.16 -0.08
Mean Median
White £19.90 £18.41
All ethnic minority groups £20.82 £20.50
All ethnic groups Hourly Pay Difference in hourly pay to ethnically white
White £18.58
Black £20.01 -0.01
Asian £19.85 -0.01
Mixed Race £17.10 +0.10
Arab £21.45 -0.09
Other £20.10 -0.02
Unknown £21.34 -0.04
Mean Median
White £18.89 £17.25
All ethnic minority groups £19.74 £18.84
All ethnic groups Hourly Pay Difference in hourly pay to ethnically white
White £18.58
Black £19.87 -0.04
Asian £18.68 +0.02
Mixed Race £16.92 +0.11
Arab £18.69 +0.02
Other £20.59 -0.08
Unknown £20.77 +0.02
Mean Median
White £18.58 £17.31
All ethnic minority groups £19.03 £18.02

Pay Quartiles by Ethnicity

Table 10 highlights the distribution of ethnicity by quartile in 2023. Quartile 1 contains the junior and lower paid roles and Quartile 4 the most senior and highest paid.

Minor increases in diversity from Quartile 3 to Quartile 4 demonstrate a modest, but improved leadership pipeline. Through the Race Equality Charter, the University provides opportunities for employees to develop leadership capability and potential.

Table 10: Pay Quartiles by Ethnicity, 2021-2023




Mixed Arab Other Unknown Total all ethnic groups not white
Quartile 1 82% 8% 7% 2% <1% 1% 1% 18%
Quartile 2 81% 10% 2% 2% <1% 2% 3% 19%
Quartile 3 89% 6% 1% 3% 0% <1% 1% 11%
Quartile 4 89% 5% 2% 2% 0% 1% 1% 11%



Mixed Arab Other Unknown Total all ethnic groups not white
Quartile 1 84% 7% 5% 2% <1% 1% 1% 16%
Quartile 2 83% 10% 2% 2% <1% 1% 1% 17%
Quartile 3 89% 6% 2% 2% <1% <1% <1% 11%
Quartile 4 90% 4% 2% 2% <1% <1% 1% 10%



Mixed Arab Other Unknown Total all ethnic groups not white
Quartile 1 87% 5% 4% 2% <1% 1% 1% 13%
Quartile 2 84% 9% 1% 2% <1% 2% 2% 16%
Quartile 3 89% 7% 2% 1% 0% <1% 1% 11%
Quartile 4 91% 4% 2% 2% <1% <1% 1% 10%