The Gender Pay Gap

The University of Derby’s Gender Pay Gap Report is based on data from April 2022 to March 2023.

There are 1,106 men and 1,685 women included in the gender pay gap analysis: a total of 2,791 people. 

Table 1 shows the gender pay gap for 2023.

Increases in the minimum wage have impacted on the gender pay gap because levels 1 and 2 are compressed into the same pay point, thereby pulling more women into the lower pay quartile (Table 5) compared to 2022.

Table 1: Gender Pay Gap Between Men and Women, 2021-2023

Pay Gap 2023 2022 2021
Mean 9.4% 8.4% 11.2%
Median 15.3% 11.1% 17.8%

*The Student Employment Agency is included in these figures

When benchmarked, the University’s gender pay gap still compares favourably.

The gender pay gap in the higher education sector has been consistently reducing year on year, but this year, the broader national average gender pay gap has slightly increased, suggesting that the University is experiencing a national occurrence.

The Student Employee Agency (SEA) is included within the University figures, but it is worth noting that if SEA had reported their own gender pay gap figures, the University would have seen a reduction in the median by 2 percentage points (11.1% to 8.6%) and no shift in the mean (8.4% to 8.7%).  

Bonus Payments by Gender

Table 2 shows the proportion of bonus payments for 2023 by gender.

Table 2: Proportions of Men and Women in Receipt of a Bonus Payment, 2021-2023

Bonus Payments Percentage Headcount
Men 2.2% 25
Women 2.8% 49
Bonus Payments Percentage Headcount
Men 2.2% 25
Women 3.7% 63
Bonus Payments Percentage Headcount
Men No bonus paid No bonus paid
Women No bonus paid No bonus paid

Table 3 shows the bonus pay gap by gender.

Table 3: Mean and Median Bonus Pay Gap Data by Gender, 2021-2023

Bonus Payments 2023 2022 2021
Mean 10.9% 10.6% No bonus paid
Median -15% 0.0% No bonus paid

Hourly Pay

Table 4 shows the average hourly pay for 2023 by gender.

Distribution of gender through the pay quartiles shows that women are disproportionately represented in junior and lower-paid roles (Quartile 1), which impacts on the average hourly rate for women.

The University recognises that people require time to develop their expertise. Career progression and opportunity are prioritised for women through the work of Athena Swan and the Race Equality Charter. 

Table 4: The Mean and Median Hourly Pay by Gender, 2022-2023

Men Women
Mean £20.28 £18.38
Median £19.16 £16.24
Men Women
Mean £19.28 £17.12
Median £18.39 £15.11

Pay Quartiles by Gender

Table 5 highlights the distribution of gender by pay quartiles. Quartile 1 represents the lowest paid roles and Quartile 4 reflects the highest paid.

The University has a higher female headcount, which contributes to greater numbers of women distributed through the pay quartiles. Activity to recruit more men into junior roles continues through attendance at recruitment fairs to showcase the range of opportunities available. In addition, greater use of diverse imagery and promotion of the gender decoder in building job vacancies aim to improve the gender balance in Quartile 1 and challenge the myths of gender stereotypes associated with job roles.

Similarly, the University undertakes a range of activity that spotlights the female pipeline, such as Aurora and Athena Swan, both of which ensure opportunities for female progression remain an institutional priority.

Table 5: Gender Pay by Quartiles, 2021-2023

Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Quartile 4
Woman % 67.91% 61.17% 61.17% 51.22%
Man % 32.09% 38.83% 38.83% 48.78%
Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Quartile 4
Woman % 64.84% 60.68% 60.53% 51.34%
Man % 35.16% 39.32% 39.47% 48.66%
Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Quartile 4
Woman % 71.54% 61.93% 61.42% 51.13%
Man % 28.46% 38.07% 38.58% 48.87%