The University of Derby was established on 14 January 1993 and became an exempt charity on 30thNovember 1995. Our academic structure has evolved in response to external policy, funding drivers and changing patterns of student demand, including online provision. We operate across sites in Derby, Chesterfield, Buxton and Leek, as well as having academic partnerships in the United Kingdom and internationally. The wider University Group includes Buxton & Leek College (BLC), which provides further and higher education provision, Derbyshire Student Residences Limited (which has resources to support students accessing digital resources at their halls of residence) and Derby Theatre (our established professional learning theatre).
We are exceptionally proud of our reputation as an applied university of today and for tomorrow, and everything we do continues to be driven by delivering excellence and opportunities for our students, staff, and the region. Our long-standing reputation for teaching excellence has once again received national recognition, with the University being awarded Gold in the latest Teaching Excellence Framework Exercise by the Office for Students (OfS) 2023. We are fully committed as an institution to providing flexible study modes, either through online, on-campus or off-campus delivery, which can open opportunities for prospective students including those from under-represented and disadvantaged groups to take part in higher education.
This is the fourth publication by the University of its Degree Outcomes Statement. This document covers data from the Academic Year 2021-2022 and actions going forward that outline our ongoing commitment to safeguard academic standards and meeting the Office for Students regulatory requirements (B4 and B5) that relate to protecting the value of our qualifications at the point of award and over time.
Institutional degree classification
Number and proportion of first or upper-second class awards (5-year trend)
% 1st and 2:1
Base population
Number of 1st and 2:1
HESA qualifiers population - includes all domiciles and modes. Unclassified degrees are excluded. Figures rounded to the nearest 5 in line with the HESA standard rounding methodology. Source: HESA Student.
Attainment of first and upper-second class degree data (UK domiciled, full-time only) over the last five years (2017-22) by the following characteristics. Source: OfS transparency and APP dataset. Figures align with the published transparency webpage.
Increase (2017-22)
Average (2017-22)
Overall attainment has increased by 5.5pp over the 5 year period and has plateaued around 71% for the last 3 years.
+4pp (ND) +10pp (D)
71% (ND) 70% (D)
Disabled student attainment increased at a higher rate than non-disabled students between 2017-22 (6pp) and was 1pp higher than non-disabled students in 2021/22.
+4pp (Female) +7pp (Male)
73% (Female) 66% (Male)
Male student attainment increased at a higher rate than female students between 2017-22 (3pp) but was 7pp lower than female students on average over 2017-22 (and 7pp lower than female students in 2021/22).
White student attainment increased at a higher rate than BAME students between 2017-22 (7pp) and was 15pp higher on average over the same period. The awarding gap between white and BAME full-time, UK domiciled students is a key Institutional priority and an Access and Participation Plan (APP) 2024/25 to 2027/28 target measure.
Awarding Gaps
Good progress has been made in addressing differential outcomes for students with a declared disability. Indeed in 2021/22, students with a disability achieved a marginally higher proportion of 1st and 2:1 degree outcomes. The increased use of digital tools, blended learning models, recording of sessions etc adopted as a response to the Covid pandemic are likely explanations of this improved picture.
After initial positive changes in reducing the ethnicity awarding gap(s) in 2019/20 the ethnicity awarding gap (white vs BAME) was 13.2pp, however this widened to 17.6pp by 2021/22. This was likely due to the intersection of socio-demographic factors associated with the pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis, and the significant challenges this presents students. The University stepped up activity to reduce ethnicity awarding gaps as part of a strategic, cross-institutional approach in 2022/23, which included:
The Student Success Programme (SSP) is a significant institutional change project designed to provide a step-change in student outcomes (academic success, retention, and progression), to ensure that the Curriculum Design Framework (CDF) and Learning, Teaching & Assessment Framework (LTAF), as well as a third complementary framework focusing on student engagement, development, and support, are embedded.
The LTAF and CDF position inclusion as a core principle. The University’s commitment to uphold anti-discriminatory practice to enact the commitments of the strategic framework in transforming students’ lives ‘regardless of age, background or location’ goes beyond meeting a regulatory requirement and demonstrates our moral obligation as an institution to the success of all students.
Continuing academic practice and staff development activity including sustained training in relation to inclusion and race in line with sector best practice guidance. The University’s ‘Let’s Talk About Race’ (LTAR) online module is available to all staff, atypical and associate lecturers.
Participation in an Inclusive Education project led the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). The resulting Inclusive Education Framework features case study contributions from University colleagues.
Peer reviewed research investigating the ‘lived experience’ of White and Black students graduating from programmes with the largest awarding gaps was published in June 2023.
To support the implementation of the new frameworks and the eradication of awarding gaps, the Access and Participation Steering Group continues to work closely with colleges in driving change. Progress is reported regularly to the Academic Board to assure effective monitoring, staff engagement and improved outcomes for students. The University remains committed to eradicating these awarding gaps as set out in the recently updated Access and Participation Plan 2024/25 to 2027/28.
Assessment and marking practices
The Academic Framework of the University is set out in the Academic Regulations for students on taught programmes. The Framework is approved by Academic Board. It includes the awards that can be made, characteristics of these awards and the credit framework, which are all aligned to national frameworks and the OfS Sector-recognised standards (Part A: Threshold standards for qualifications at all levels). The Academic Regulations are readily accessible to both students and staff through the University website. The Regulatory Framework Committee (a sub-committee of Academic Board) has responsibility for reviewing the regulations on an on-going basis and recommending enhancements.
The Academic Regulations apply to all taught programmes that lead to awards of the University. The assessment regulations encourage use of the full marking scale and define the award classifications to be applied to all undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes and the threshold academic standards required for progression and awards. Assessment Boards operate to oversee the assessment procedures and to ensure that assessment decisions are made in accordance with the University’s Academic Regulations and are consistently applied.
All summative assessments are subject to internal verification and moderation, with external scrutiny also applied to those elements that contribute to honours classification. These processes seek to ensure that the tasks set are appropriately aligned to the intended learning outcomes and relevant academic level.
The University works with external experts in several ways. Validation panels and monitoring and review panels include an external subject specialist who advises on the appropriateness of academic standards of proposed awards in line with external benchmarks. External Examiners comment on changes to the curriculum, Academic Regulations, internal moderation, the operation of assessment boards and academic partnerships via their annual report.
Assessment outcomes are regularly monitored by the Academic Development and Quality Committee (ADQC) and Academic Board to evaluate the effectiveness of our academic strategy to support student success. As well as the progressive implementation of the intent of the Learning, Teaching & Assessment Framework, three important regulatory decisions were made during 2022/23. These were:
Regulatory changes to implement aggregate pass for undergraduate modules.
Approval of permanent contingency assessment regulations.
Root and branch review of the Academic Regulations.
Regulatory changes to implement aggregate pass for undergraduate modules
Regulatory changes were approved by Academic Board in July 2022 and June 2023 to revise the grading basis of individual modules to require only a cumulative pass where modules contain more than one component of assessment. Prior to this change, students were required to achieve a pass mark of 40% for a module and a minimum mark of at least 35% in each component of assessment to pass the module overall. This change has been applied to undergraduate modules at all levels of provision (levels 3-6 inclusive) and became effective from 2022/23 for modules at levels 3 and 4 and 2023/24 for level 5 and 6 modules. The requirement to achieve a minimum mark of 35% in specific assessment components in addition to passing a module overall has been retained for programmes and modules where Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) requirements specify levels of achievement that must be demonstrated in individual components of assessment. Exceptions of this nature are scrutinised by the Regulatory Framework Committee and approved individually, based on evidence of PSRB requirements.
Permanent contingency assessment regulations
Permanent contingency assessment regulations were approved by the University in February 2023. These can be invoked by the Chair of Academic Board and provide a framework for the University to respond to exceptional events such as natural disasters, public health emergencies and industrial action that may affect the assessment process. The new regulations will (if applied) permit timely decisions on student progression or award where sufficient data exists to minimise and mitigate potential negative impact on students, while also safeguarding academic standards and the credibility of University awards.
Root and Branch Review of Academic Regulations
The University has approved plans for a comprehensive review of its Academic Regulations as part of the Student Success Programme (SSP), for potential implementation in 2025/26. Incremental changes to the regulations since the last full review have led to growing complexity of these regulations. The root and branch review will ensure the intent of the regulations will align with the University’s ambition set out in SSP and the Learning, Teaching & Assessment Framework (LTAF). The review will also ensure greater coherence between the regulations and the University's objectives, student needs, and external regulatory requirements.
Academic governance (including for awards delivered through partnership arrangements)
The Vice-Chancellor is accountable to the University’s Governing Council as Chief Executive and to the Office for Students as Accountable Officer. They are supported in this by the University Executive Board (UEB), and the University Leadership Group (ULG). In their capacity as Chief Academic Officer, the Vice-Chancellor chairs the Academic Board, our sovereign academic body, which has established sub-committees that have clear duties and responsibilities concerning aspects of academic quality and standards.
Academic Board has responsibility for the awards of taught and research degrees; the approval, implementation and review of policies and procedures; and the promotion of enhancement. The Academic Board delegates detailed work to a suite of subcommittees. Membership and the terms of reference for these sub-committees is reviewed periodically, with the most recent update was undertaken during 2023.
The Academic Regulations address all regulatory aspects relevant to the maintenance of academic standards of taught provision. Variations and exemptions to these are recorded in the relevant programme specification, discussed at validation, and approved by the Regulatory Framework Committee. The Regulatory Framework Committee monitors and recommends the approval of revisions to the academic and regulatory framework, which are approved by Academic Board.
Continual Monitoring is the primary means by which the University assures itself on an on-going basis that academic standards and quality are maintained. The continual monitoring process has been aligned to the OfS conditions for registration. The process involves the evaluation of evidence including student feedback, performance data such as assessment outcomes, external examiner feedback and module evaluation for example.
Monitoring and review of subject areas and academic partnerships is assessed using the University’s Quality and Standards Assessment (QSA) process which is carried out on a six yearly cycle. The QSA is designed to provide assurances to Academic Board that qualifications hold their value over time, are compliant with the regulatory requirements of the OfS and the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) and PSRBs and assess whether student attainment and programme performance meet the B3 indicator baselines. All monitoring and review activity and outcomes are overseen by the Academic Development and Quality Committee (ADQC), which has lead responsibility for implementation of the University’s quality assurance policies and procedures and provides assurance to Academic Board of alignment and compliance with external regulatory requirements.
All University academic partnership arrangements (UK, international and apprenticeships) are operated and monitored through the University’s quality processes. The University applies a risk-rated due diligence process to any prospective new partner to ensure that the partner meets the University’s internal and external requirements. Management of academic partnerships is detailed in the partner contract and compliance document / operational manual.
Classification algorithms
The University publishes the degree algorithm annually in the Academic Regulations made available to all students, staff and external examiners. For students on undergraduate degrees the Honours classification is based on the weighted average of the 120 Credits at each of Level 5 (20%) and Level 6 (80%), grade boundaries are set at 10% intervals from 40% (Third Class) to 70% (First Class). If the weighted average falls within the borderline range, Assessment Boards consider borderline cases. If the weighted average falls into the range (48+, 58+, 68+) the profile of marks will be reviewed and where at least 60 credits at level 6 is at or above the threshold mark, the higher classification will be awarded.
For 2021/22, in recognition that the restrictions introduced to help manage the impact of the corona-virus pandemic may have impact student performance in previous years, a temporary change to the regulations was approved to allow the classification to be determined from the better of:
The standard award algorithm of 20% Level 5 and 80% Level 6
100% Level 6 performance
For 2022/23 the degree classification algorithm has reverted back to the standard algorithm (pre-pandemic) for all students.
The degree classification algorithm will be reviewed as part of the systematic review of the Assessment Regulations which is part of the Student Success Programme (SSP) for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate awards taking place during 2023/24 and 2024/25.
Teaching practices and learning resources
The University of Derby is committed to delivering higher education opportunities which are equitable, inclusive and open to all who have the ambition and desire to learn and progress. A wide range of programmes are available across all levels in a variety of study modes.
The Student Success Programme (SSP) is a significant institutional change project designed to provide a step-change in student outcomes (academic success, retention, and progression), to ensure that the Curriculum Design Framework (CDF) and Learning, Teaching & Assessment Framework (LTAF), as well as a third complementary framework focusing on student engagement, development, and support, are fully embedded.
During 2022, the CDF and LTAF were approved by Academic Board, these Frameworks apply to all programmes and modules regardless of their level, mode of study or location of delivery.
The CDF and LTAF Frameworks offer a conceptual model for the design and delivery of qualifications of the University of Derby. The adoption of principles and outcomes-based models supports academic innovation and agency across the diversity of the pedagogic and epistemological approaches relevant to a modern applied university.
The CDF sets out the core institutional themes and principles that inform the design, content and structure of the provision. The drivers for the Framework are clearly embedded in the Pillars of the University Strategic Vision:
Moulding the next generation of Game Changers
Being a force for positive impact
Opening doors for everyone
The CDF contains four core design themes which should be evident in all of provision. Each programme of study, leading to an award of the university should address each of the design principles in a manner appropriate to the subject, academic level and mode of study.
Research and Innovation led
Education for Sustainable Development embedded
Inclusive by design
Scaffolding Personal Development
The LTAF sets out the core factors that need to inform the way in which learning is enabled and assessed. The drivers for the Framework are clearly embedded in the Values of the University Strategic Vision:
Value People
Future Focused
The LTAF takes an outcomes-based approach to defining the core experiences that should be included in all programme delivery and assessment. These are presented as five Factors of Success and can be applied at all levels of the programme design process and as relevant to each learning interaction as well as at a whole programme level. Each programme of study, leading to an award of the university should address each of the Factors of Success in a manner appropriate to the subject, academic level and mode of study.
Each programme and learning event should consider:
Sense of Belonging
Sense of Purpose
The Factors of Success are multi-factorial and interact with each other. Whilst each factor is relatively easy to define it must be recognised that concepts are complex and will vary between individual students and will change with time. The purpose of the LTAF is to challenge those delivering and assessing programmes to consider how each learning engagement has been constructed to address each of the factors.
The University’s Strategic Framework identifies ‘valuing people’ as one of four core values and commits to providing development opportunities for staff to ensure they ‘achieve beyond their expectations’. This is further articulated in our People Strategy (2020) which notes that “we will invest in our staff to ensure they are qualified and professionally accredited through effective use of apprenticeships, attainment of teaching qualifications and HEA accreditation and other indicators of teaching and professional quality” (p.8). Therefore, Fellowship (FHEA) is a contractual requirement for all new permanent members of lecturing staff and an expectation for more longstanding lecturing colleagues at the University. Our recruitment information explains that those who join the University (or those within the University who move from a temporary to permanent role), and who do not currently hold FHEA, SFHEA or PFHEA, must achieve Fellowship professional recognition within 24 months of appointment. Line managers will discuss this requirement as part of the induction process. There is also a monthly admissions meeting which brings together colleagues from HR with the Academic Practice and Leadership (APL) and Pathfinder leads to discuss the route to FHEA for each new colleague. Senior Lecturers are encouraged to pursue SFHEA, when they have built up the requisite levels of experience, and this is monitored through our internal Development and Professional Review processes (annual appraisal). SFHEA is written into job adverts for Senior Lecturers and is an ‘essential’ requirement for Associate Professor appointments via our Learning and Teaching route.
At the start of the 2023-24 academic year, 81% of full-time, permanent lecturers held one category of Fellowship professional recognition (the majority holding FHEA). Recent data shared by Advance HE shows that the University continues to track above the sector average for the percentage of academic staff with Fellowship. The proportion of all academic staff employed at some point during the previous academic year holding Fellowship recognition was 61%. There are also three colleagues who are National Teaching Fellows.
Our teaching staff continue with their scholarly and professional practice through engagement with external stakeholders such as employers, industry partners, Professional Statutory Regulatory Bodies and external examiners.
We recognise the role of assessment and feedback in enabling students to have positive degree outcomes. Given our applied focus in education, we embed authentic assessment approaches in our programmes through formative and summative feedback, and a varied range of assessment types e.g. presentations, exhibitions, performances, group work, practical assignments, case studies, and viva voce examination.
Identifying good practice and actions
The University has a long history of sharing examples of innovative and good pedagogic practice through a central programme of academic staff development, and an online community of practice. Following a hiatus during the pandemic the annual Learning & Teaching Conference was restarted in 2022 allowing the sharing of innovative practice as well as pedagogic research. Students have been active participants in the Learning & Teaching Conference since 2012.
Every year a refreshed programme of staff development is put in place to prepare academic staff for the forthcoming academic year, focusing upon the Curriculum Design and Learning and Teaching and Assessment Frameworks. It covers areas such as the digital teaching environment that is designed to enhance capability and confidence in staff to deliver to the standards of our institutional Digital Learning Baselines that set the level of required practice to ensure a high-quality student learning experience. The University has procured the AbilityNet programme to address accessibility and inclusivity of digital learning materials.