Gift Acceptance Policy

1. Purpose/Abstract

1.1. This document sets out the University’s policy for the acceptance or refusal of philanthropic donations. It is intended for the University community and for prospective and current donors and their advisers, providing assurance that all donations are managed with the same due diligence, management and approval processes.

2. Introduction

2.1 The University of Derby holds the dual status of a company limited by guarantee under the Companies Act 1985 and an exempt charity under Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011.

2.2 The University welcomes and actively seeks philanthropic support in line with its charitable status and values.

2.3 This policy mitigates the legal, financial, reputational, ethical and dependency risks associated with acceptance or refusal of gifts and donations, due diligence requirements and adherence to related internal and external regulations, policies and procedures.

3. Scope

3.1. This policy is not intended to cover ‘gifts and hospitality’ which is covered in a separate policy.

3.2. The University is registered with the Fundraising Regulator and follows the Codes of Fundraising Practice, which sets out the professional and ethical standards that apply to fundraising.

3.3. The UK Bribery Act 2010 requires the institution to ensure that the receipt of a donation is not related to some inappropriate advantage that be afforded to the donor, such as the offer of a university place for a close relative or the award of a contract. Other relevant legislation includes the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Terrorism Act 2000, and the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, under which it is an offence to receive, retain or convert money or property known or reasonably suspected to be the product of criminal activity.

3.4. This policy applies to all philanthropic donations received by the University, whether cash or in-kind donations of equipment, expertise or services.

3.5. This policy applies to all volunteers, professional advisers, students, and staff across all colleges and departments of the University of Derby, across both academic and professional services.

3.6. This policy applies to all companies in the University of Derby Group with the exception of Derby Theatre, which has its own policies governing fundraising.

3.7. The University of Derby actively seeks and can accept donations from, but not limited to, the following eligible sources in accordance with this policy:

3.8 Donations may be in the form of:

4. Definitions

4.1 Philanthropic donation (gifts and donations are defined further in part 6 of the University's Finance Regulations): a voluntary transfer of money, in-kind resource/service or time or beneficial loan agreement, or assets by an individual or organisation, made with philanthropic intent for the benefit of the institution. Assets in this context may be tangible fixed assets such as a building or equipment, gifts of investments or shares, cash, or stocks. After receipt, the University must own the donation in full and any work, project or intellectual property that results. The donor may not retain any explicit or implicit control over a donation after acceptance by the University and there must be no contractual conditions attached to the donation.

4.2 Donors: Individuals, companies or funders making a philanthropic donation to the University, without receiving any material benefit in exchange.

4.3 Due Diligence: A “decision-making procedure or process to enable an organisation to assess the risks of establishing a potential relationship (including accepting/making a donation). It includes determining the identity of the donor and the provenance/origin of the funds. Risk may include potential conflicts with the values and aims of your organisation.”

4.4 Fundraisers: Any employee, volunteer or stakeholder who solicits or receives funds on behalf of the University.

4.5 Solicited: A donation that is offered to the University following engagement and involvement with a university fundraiser. This may be in response to a mass digital, print or telephone appeal from the University or in response to individual engagement by a university fundraiser.

4.6 Unsolicited: A donation offered to the University without prior engagement or involvement with a university fundraiser.

5. Responsibilities 

5.1. Members of the University’s Governing Council, the governing body of the University, are the charity trustees. In principle, trustees of a charity are expected to accept money given to that charity for purposes consistent with the charity objectives, but the trustees have discretion to consider other factors relevant to the charity’s best interests.

5.2. The Governing Council delegate their day-to-day decision-making authority to a Gift Oversight Committee who will consider solicitations and donations of any size where medium or high risks are identified OR donations above £50,000. All reports on due diligence processes will be shared with this Gift Oversight Committee.

5.3. The Director of External Relations will have authority to approve solicitations and acceptance of donations under £50,000 where no risks are identified. The Director of External Relations will inform the Gift Oversight Committee of such solicitations and acceptances alongside the accompanying due diligence report.

5.4. All fundraisers involved in the solicitation of gifts and donations (including gifts in kind) should ensure they adhere to the University’s Financial Regulations and any other relevant policies and procedures, including the Ethical Fundraising Policy and Naming and Donor Recognition Policy.

5.5. The Development Office, working closely with Finance and Legal teams, is responsible for:

5.6. All philanthropic donations must be coordinated through the Development Office in order for the University to meet its legal obligations as a charity; to protect donor rights and expectations; and to manage potentially conflicting requests from different parts of the organisation. Therefore the Development Office must be informed, in accordance with the procedures of this policy, of an intended approach to a donor before it is made, or of any approaches from a donor which have been made to any member, department or other academic unit or any division within the University as soon as possible after the approach has been made. This does not include approaches for grants from research specific funding bodies and commercial transactions as part of the University’s business activity.

5.7. Finance maintains a register of all cash received, including philanthropic donations. They will also assess all income and will decide upon accounting treatments and valuation. Some donations or gifts may be deemed assets for recognition in the balance sheet. Finance is responsible for ensuring the correct accounting treatment is applied to each donation received.

5.8. The Development office is responsible for maintaining records of all donations accepted and refused and the outcomes of any due diligence procedures, including the reasons for decisions on acceptance/refusal. The Development office is responsible for acknowledging donations made to the University promptly, stewarding donors and updating them on the impact of their support.

5.9. Fundraisers who solicit or receive funds on behalf of the University shall:

6. Policy Statement

6.1. The purpose of this policy is to ensure:

7. Policy Implementation

7.1. Gift Acceptance Principles:

7.2. Gift Acceptance Approval Levels:

7.3. Gift Acceptance Due Diligence

Due Diligence is performed to verify whether engagement with a prospective volunteer or donor and/or a proposed donation aligns with the University’s Gift Acceptance Principles. Due Diligence must be completed by the Development Office prior to, or otherwise within 28 days of:

7.4. Gift Refusal Principles

In the unlikely event a donation is refused it will be due to the following or similar reasons:

7.5. Where a donor (or prospective donor) believes that the above policy has not been followed, a complaint may be made to the Clerk to Council with the contact details below. Complaints from donors will be responded to in a timely, respectful, open and honest manner. The University will ensure that learnings from any complaints are acted upon.

Clerk to Council
University of Derby
Kedleston Road
DE22 1GB

8. Sanctions

8.1. Failure of staff or students to comply with this Policy will be addressed in the context of the University’s procedures and/or the Staff or Student Disciplinary Policy.

9. Related Documentation

9.1. This policy is aligned with and is in coordination with the following University policies:

10. References

10.1. This policy is in line with guidance provided by the Charity Commission for England and Wales, the National Audit Office, the Fundraising Regulator and the Chartered Institute of Fundraising

11. Equality Analysis

11.1. This policy has been designed to ensure that no-one receives less favourable treatment due to protected characteristics as defined under the Equality Act 2010.

Author(s): Head of Development - External Relations

Area: External Relations

Date of Equality Analysis: In process

Approval date by Governing Council: 22 November 2024