
Prevent, and Safeguarding, it's everybody's responsibility

The University of Derby is committed to Prevent, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all our staff, students and children. At the University of Derby, Prevent is everybody's concern.

If there is an immediate risk to life, violence, or a crime has been or is being committed or other emergency situations, you must contact 999 immediately, and inform Security on 01332 597777 and the Designated Safeguarding Lead on 07468 743374.

If you have Prevent concerns but the individual is not at immediate risk of harm

For Higher Education students, Degree level and above (excluding any apprentices, or degree apprentices).
Report your concern using our cause for concern reporting form.

For Further Education students at the Buxton and Leek College (BLC), all apprentices (including Degree apprentices across BLC and further education students).
If the student or staff member is within further education (FE) at Buxton and Leek College, including apprenticeships, please take a look at the Buxton and Leek College webpage for how to raise your concern.

The University of Derby has a Prevent & Safeguarding team and it is important to notify them immediately with any concerns, including those about an individual, via report. A member of the team will triage your concern and take appropriate action. For full details of the team please see the Prevent/Safeguarding policy.

We are committed to safeguarding children and adults at risk, and we respond promptly to reports. However, these reports will only be received and responded to during the working hours of the University.

Our Responsibility

The University of Derby, in common with all other UK universities, has a statutory duty to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism. Prevent is about supporting and protecting people who might be susceptible to being drawn into terrorism.

The University of Derby is committed to implementing practices to meet requirements under this “Prevent Duty”. Prevent is part of the Government strategy on counter-terrorism known as CONTEST.

The University of Derby is also committed to ensuring that freedom of speech within the law is secured for members of the University and visiting speakers. However, preventing terrorism will mean challenging extremist (and non-violent) ideas that may lead to people moving from extremist groups or from extremism into terrorist-related activity.

As part of the University of Derby’s registration with the Office for Students we must follow guidance and provide evidence and assessments that demonstrate that we are fulfilling the duty. The University Governors oversee our implementation of the duty and ensure we are exercising appropriate judgements, and therefore review that evidence.

Prevent seeks to stop vulnerable people being radicalised, therefore our approach is to consider Prevent as a form of safeguarding, recognising that we have a duty of care to protect vulnerable adults and children from neglect or abuse. Our approach to safeguarding aims to be broad and we encourage anyone with concerns about the well-being of a student or member of staff to take appropriate action.

Most concerns raised are not Prevent related and staff/students are supported, following well-established ways of working developed by our student support and wellbeing teams. If it seems appropriate to respond to a concern in relation to Prevent, the Prevent Lead will carry out further checks with colleagues in the University to build a clear picture. It is possible that the Prevent lead might seek advice from the relevant police officer.

If it is Prevent related, the University’s Prevent Lead will discuss the most appropriate and supportive actions, calling on expertise from within the institution and the Prevent team in the City (eg Channel, police, etc).

What should I do if I am worried about a student?

The University of Derby approach is to break our thinking and action about causes of concern into three steps:

Are you concerned about a student? Perhaps you’ve noticed a change in behaviour; are they becoming withdrawn, or acting differently? Maybe it’s something the student has said that’s worrying you. Staff in front-line support roles will often be the first to notice if a student is experiencing difficulties.

Don’t ignore your concerns – check with others who may also have noticed something. You could speak to the student directly, or talk to colleagues/academic tutors, to see if they share your concerns.

If you are still worried about a student, please report via the Cause for Concern reporting form to share your concerns and one of the team will contact you to discuss this further. The team may be able to offer support and guidance to the student.