1. Purpose/Abstract
This policy aims to establish clear guidelines and procedures for managing visitors at the University of Derby. The aim is to outline the approach to managing visitors coming to university premises, to ensure that they have safe and enjoyable visits in accordance with our expectations of providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment.
The University of Derby is committed to maintaining a safe and welcoming community for its students, staff, and visitors. Safety and security are everyone's responsibility in the university community. We all have a role to play in keeping ourselves and each other safe and have a duty to act if we are concerned for the safety of another.
2. Scope
This policy applies to all visitors to the University of Derby’s campuses, including guests, contractors, external vendors, prospective students, and other non-University individuals.
This policy applies to all UoD Staff, students, contracted agencies, and visitors.
Out of Scope - Any building not owned by the University of Derby.
3. Definitions
The term "student" will be used to describe any student registered with UoD on a programme of study.
The term "staff" will be used to describe those people employed on a contract of employment at UOD, as well as those contracted through an agency, working on consultancy agreements, as contractors, on a voluntary or unpaid basis, or otherwise working for or on behalf of UOD.
A "visitor" refers to anyone not a staff member or an enrolled University of Derby student but who is on the premises for legitimate reasons such as meetings, events, interviews, tours, deliveries, or external services.
A “host” refers to a University of Derby staff member (as described above).
4. Policy Statement
The University of Derby is committed to ensuring a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for all students, staff, and visitors. This Visitor Management Policy aims to establish clear guidelines for the management of visitors on university premises. It ensures that all visitors are properly registered, informed of relevant health and safety protocols, and are monitored during their time on campus to safeguard the well-being of the University community.
All visitors must sign in upon arrival at designated visitor points, wear identification badges, and comply with university regulations. University staff hosting visitors are responsible for ensuring that they follow the necessary procedures and are accompanied during their visit, where required. The University reserves the right to restrict or deny access to certain areas, and visitors must adhere to all University policies and codes of conduct.
By implementing this policy, the University seeks to balance access with safety, supporting a positive experience for those engaging with the University while maintaining a secure and professional campus environment.
5. Expectations of a visitor
5.1. All visitors to the University of Derby are expected to behave appropriately and to treat all members of the University community and each other with dignity and respect.
5.2. We expect visitors to behave:
- safely, and with due regard to the safety of others;
- with civility, consideration, and respect for others;
- in accordance with university policies, rules and regulations and all applicable laws
5.3. The University reserves the right to refuse access to its premises and/or the right to withdraw access.
6. Booking Visitors
6.1. It is the responsibility of the “host” to ensure all visitors are booked onto site using the University’s Visitor Management Portal (VMS).
6.2. Pre-Registration - Where possible, visitors should be pre-registered through the appropriate University department or via the University’s visitor management system. This should be completed at least 24 hours before the visit.
7. Managing Visitors
7.1. Visitor Registration and Check-in. All visitors must adhere to the following check-in procedure:
7.2. On Arrival - All visitors must sign in at the designated reception or visitor management point upon arrival. Visitors will be provided with a visitor badge and relevant access instructions.
7.3. Identification - Visitors must always wear their visitor lanyard and issued access pass.
7.4. Escort - Visitors must be accompanied by a university staff member or designated host while on university premises unless otherwise directed.
8. Access Restrictions
8.1. Visitors are only permitted access to areas relevant to the purpose of their visit. Access to restricted or sensitive areas (e.g., labs, staff offices) must be pre-approved by the relevant department and the “host.”
8.2. Campus Access - The University reserves the right to restrict access to any building or area based on health, safety, or security concerns. All visitors must comply with signage and instructions from university staff.
8.3. The visitor will not be left unsupervised at any of the University of Derby FE sites. The ‘host’ will need to remain with the visitor and nominate an appropriate staff member to facilitate supervised access.
9. Health and Safety Considerations
9.1. Emergency Procedures - The “host” will inform their visitors of the University’s emergency evacuation procedures and any potential hazards relevant to their location on campus.
9.2. Health and Safety Briefing - Certain visitors (e.g., contractors, external vendors) may be required to attend a brief health and safety induction before commencing any work on site.
10. Conduct and Behaviour
10.1. Visitors must wear their visitor badge at all times while on university property.
10.2. The University reserves the right to conduct security checks, including bag searches, for all visitors entering University property.
10.3. Visitors should report any suspicious activity or concerns to university staff or security personnel immediately.
10.4. All visitors will check-in under the VMS and are required to adhere to the University’s Visitor Conduct Statement. This statement is viewable in the VMS system.
10.5. All visitors are expected to behave in a manner that respects the University’s values, including maintaining professionalism and courtesy. The University reserves the right to remove visitors who exhibit inappropriate or disruptive behaviour.
10.6. Alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is prohibited unless authorised for specific events, and visitors must comply with all University policies.
10.7. All visitors need to comply to the standards of behaviour under the university’s visitor conduct statement.
11. External Groups
11.1. Any external group visiting the university must book their visit. The university department coordinating the visit must record the group's main contact information and the number of people in the group on the university visitor management system. The coordinating department is also responsible for ensuring that the visit adheres to all university policies and procedures. This information will be shared with the person who made the booking inquiry.
12. Compliance with University Policies
12.1. All visitors must comply with the University’s policies, including but not limited to:
13. Data Collection Privacy
13.1. The University will collect and process visitor information in accordance with data protection legislation. Information such as visitor names, contact details, and purpose of visit will be stored securely for administrative purposes. Visitors have the right to request access to their personal information in line with data protection laws.
14. Responsibilities
14.1. University staff members hosting visitors are responsible for ensuring their visitors follow the registration process, adhere to safety protocols, and remain under supervision during their time on campus.
14.2. The host is responsible for guiding visitors to the appropriate location, providing necessary information (e.g., campus map), and ensuring they understand University policies and procedures.
14.3. Security personnel are responsible for monitoring campus safety, assisting with visitor access control, and responding to emergencies involving visitors.
15. Failure to Comply with Policy
15.1. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the revocation of visitor privileges, removal from university property, and potential banning from the campus.
16. Sanctions
All members of the University community have the right to freedom from harm and/or abuse. Any action(s) or omission(s) by any member of the university community that fails to appropriately safeguard a member of our community may result in disciplinary action. This is in line with our How We Work Policy.
16.1. If an employee breaches the standards outlined in this document it may lead to action under the disciplinary procedure and in serious cases, it may result in dismissal.
16.2. If you are working for us but are not directly employed, e.g., contractors, agency workers, volunteers, etc., you are also expected to comply with the standards when working for us. A failure to do so may result in the termination of your contract or engagement and render you unsuitable for consideration for future work opportunities with us.
17. Equality Analysis
This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure there is no unintended consequences for any particular groups or an individual.