Value for money

Where to find Value for Money information

The University publishes information on its website which addresses the Office for Students’ (OfS) definition of Value for Money (VFM):

Teaching quality and feedback

Consumer Protection and Information

Prospective students should be aware of what their educational experience will involve. They can be surprised by extra costs.

Almost a quarter of respondents to the OfS Value for Money survey said that they were 'not informed of or prepared for how much everything would cost as a student'. These issues, and others where student expectations are not met, may result from a lack of information available to students.

Good consumer information should inform students about what they can expect for their fees.

We publish this information in a number of areas on our website:

Fees and finance

We publish information about tuition fees and scholarships and bursaries.


We publish annual reports and financial statements, research funding, and resources for external visitors.
