Enhancing Skills, Expanding Horizons: Abdi’s Journey

Abdirahman Jaffar

Assistant Practitioner with Radiography Pathway

For Abdi, pursuing the Assistant Practitioner Higher Apprenticeship with radiography pathway has been a transformative experience. Starting as an Assistant Practitioner, his scope of practice was initially limited. However, through the radiography pathway, he gained valuable hands-on experience, allowing him to expand his responsibilities and develop into a well-rounded radiographer.

Gaining confidence and practical knowledge

Abdi credits the apprenticeship with significantly boosting his confidence, which has positively impacted his interactions with colleagues, patients, and students. Through audits, quality improvement projects, and mentoring, he has come to realise that a radiographer’s role extends far beyond capturing diagnostic images.

Before starting the apprenticeship, Abdi worked within a limited scope, unable to perform certain tasks such as working in theatre, conducting mobile imaging, or gaining exposure to specialist areas. Through the apprenticeship, his opportunities have significantly expanded.

"I have now had the chance to work in various modalities, including CT, MRI, ultrasound, and resuscitation imaging. This experience has broadened my knowledge and enhanced my confidence."

Abdi at work

The apprenticeship allowed me to appreciate the application of knowledge gained academically in the workplace.

Abdirahman Jaffar
Assistant Practitioner Higher Apprenticeship with Radiography pathway

His academic studies at the University of Derby provided a strong theoretical foundation, which was seamlessly reinforced through practical experience at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust.

"For example, when I learned about theatre procedures at university, I could apply that knowledge immediately in a real theatre setting during my placement. This hands-on experience made my learning far more effective."

Overcoming challenges

The apprenticeship was not without its challenges. Abdi found the fast-paced nature of the course demanding, requiring him to balance study, work, and family responsibilities.

"I had to be very organised and plan everything carefully. If I missed a week of study, I could really feel it the next week."

One of the biggest hurdles Abdi faced was using PebblePad, an online portfolio system.

"At first, I had no idea how to upload my weekly activities and reflections. But as I kept using it and seeking help from my tutors and colleagues, it became second nature."

Another challenge was securing placements in specific modalities due to competition with students from other universities. 

"At times, I was expecting to be placed in a CT unit, but due to limited scanners and high demand, this wasn’t always possible. However, the tutors were extremely supportive and flexible. If a placement wasn’t available, they would open up the relevant unit in advance so we could still access the learning. Their support made a huge difference."

abdi at work
abdi at work

Proudest achievements

Balancing academic studies with personal responsibilities was no easy feat, but for Abdi, the sense of achievement made it all worthwhile.

"I am proud to have successfully navigated the academic demands of this apprenticeship while managing my family responsibilities."

Through the apprenticeship, he has also developed key skills that are instrumental in his role, including auditing, quality improvement, cross-sectional imaging, mentoring, leadership, and continuous professional development (CPD).

Advice for future apprentices

1. Be well-organised

"Plan everything carefully to manage your workload effectively."

2. Make the most of your tutors

"They are there to help you become the best radiographer you can be. Don’t hesitate to ask for support."

3. Find the right study pace

"Everyone learns differently, so find what works for you."

4. Be prepared to work hard

"The apprenticeship is demanding, so be ready to dedicate time to studying and reading extensively. There’s no shortcut to success."

5. Use all available resources

"The tutors are incredibly supportive. If you’re struggling, just email them – they’re always there to help."

Looking ahead

Initially, Abdi was particularly interested in cross-sectional imaging, focusing on CT and MRI scans. However, as he progressed through his studies, his aspirations evolved. 

Abdi at work

I have realised that radiographers do much more than just take diagnostic images. Reporting radiographers, for example, not only capture images but also interpret them and make clinical decisions. This has inspired me to explore that career path. The apprenticeship has given me knowledge, confidence, and most importantly, options for the future.

Abdirahman Jaffar
Assistant Practitioner Higher Apprenticeship with Radiography pathway

Abdi’s story is a testament to the impact of apprenticeships in shaping skilled and confident healthcare professionals. His journey highlights the importance of resilience, organisation, and continuous learning in becoming a successful radiographer.