Blog post

Now I’m at university, how often should I go back home?

Gareth Hughes, Researcher and Psychotherapist, gives his advice on how often you should go back home while at university.

1 December 2016

Should I go home every weekend to see my family and friends?

This is a question students and parents ask a lot. The answer is: there is no right answer. It will differ for every student and for the circumstances you are in. It’s not about how often you go home, it’s about how much you are immersing yourself into university life.

Make sure you absorb yourself into university

If you’re sitting in your room in your halls of residence and aren’t going out or engaging yourself then you will struggle to integrate into university. If you’re throwing yourself into it, joining clubs and societies, meeting friends and making the most of the opportunities you have around you then it doesn’t really matter how often you’re going home.

Feeling homesick?

If you’re finding it hard to get involved at university then speak to support staff who will be able to help you. If you’re feeling homesick or are worried about not settling it in, come and talk to us. Sometimes students feel they need a break and that’s fine, they can go back home for a bit while some students feel they are enjoying it so much they don’t need to go home all of the time and that’s also okay. The key thing is to make sure you’re doing everything you can to integrate yourself into your new environment.

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