Cycling Assessment Packages

Our services are specifically tailored to provide support for athletes of all levels, from beginners to elite performers.

Our expert team offer in-depth testing to help you personalise and make the most of your training. 

Physiology Assessment

Ever wondered just how good professional cyclists are? Why not book onto one of our cycling packages to find out how you compare to the best in the world?

The laboratory experience package has been designed to provide you with accurate physiological data that can be used to guide your training and ensure optimal performance during competition. Data from this package can be used to establish training zones and individualise your training programme. It will also identify your strengths and weaknesses on the bike and establish just how you compare to an elite cyclist.  

What's involved?

This package includes the following battery of tests:

  • Resting blood analysis – Haematocrit and Haemoglobin
  • Lactate profile and VO2 max / peak
    • This package starts with a sub-maximal incremental step protocol where the required power output is gradually increased in 3 minute stages. Capillary blood samples will be measured after each stage to identify LT1 and LT2. This test usually lasts for around 20 – 30 minutes
    • Once we have identified clear threshold in the lactate profile the protocol will change to a ramp protocol where the required power output will be gradually increased until you reach exhaustion. This will enable VO2 max / peak, max HR and max aerobic power to be calculated

Following these tests, you will be provided with all results, an explanation of what each metric means to you and your cycling, and a comparison to professional athletes. We will also identify specific training you can do to target each of the metrics.

Cost: £120

If you would like to book this package please contact the Human Performance Unit at

If you’re serious about your cycling, take the next step to optimising your performance with our advanced package. Any level of athlete can benefit from our comprehensive assessment of cycling. You get all the benefits of the experience package with body composition, resting bloods and training zones calculated, but with this test we go further. Additional measurements of cycling efficiency including fat max, along with modern performance measures of critical power and anaerobic work capacity as used by professional teams will also be included.

What's involved?

This package includes the following battery of tests:

  • Resting blood analysis – Haematocrit and Haemoglobin
  • A sub-maximal incremental step protocol where the required power output is gradually increased in 3 minute stages. Capillary blood samples, heart rate, RPE and breath-by-breath gas analysis will be collected after each stage. This allows the following measures to be calculated:
    • LT1 (lactate threshold) and LT2 (lactate turnpoint). Both critical for understanding current performance and calculating effective training zones
    • Cycling efficiency and FatMax / substrate utilisation will be calculated using advanced gas analysis. This is vital when it comes to calculating fuel use for longer training and events
  • A maximal ramp test where the required power output is increased every 2 – 3 seconds until you reach maximum effort. Capillary blood samples, heart rate, RPE and breath-by-breath gas analysis will be collected throughout the test. This allows the following measures to be calculated:
    • VO2 max /peak
    • Measures of critical power (a more accurate FTP) and anaerobic work capacity (the battery of energy above critical power)

This package comes with advanced analysis of your results and training zones, provides you with accurate performance modelling, comparison to professionals, and identifies specific sessions which you can target to improve your weaknesses and maximise your strengths.

Cost: £180

If you would like to book this package please contact the Human Performance Unit at