Jonny's Story video transcript

Hi I'm Johnny I'm the creative strategist at SEED and we're based in Leicester.
I joined the create growth program because I found myself working at home again and this felt really isolating so it was so good being able to be around like-minded businesses who are going through the same obstacles and the same challenges.
The workshops have been really beneficial for my business so the workshops covered things like Finance, managerial skills, systems and processes marketing and brand.
Often we think we know these things but sometimes we need to go back and polish our tools.
Having a coach and a mentor on the program is being the best thing for me.
Having a coach and a mentor to guide me and listen to me and give me feedback and ask those really important questions has been really beneficial for me.
So, if you are a business and you're looking to join the create growth program I really advise you sign up
It's been an amazing programme.
If you're looking for investment or you're looking to grow your network or you're looking for ideas and knowledge within business then this programme is perfect for you.

Jonny's Story video

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