S.H.E.D trailer video transcript

SHED logo

Meetings being held and plans for SHED drawn on notepads and shown on design software on computer screens.

SHED being built, with wood being sawn, bolts and screws being secured, and panels being carried.

SHED being erected in Derby Market Place and the Derby Theatre car park.

SHED at festivals: Departure Lounge, This Is Derby, Amplify Festival, InDialogue (2019).

SHED has presented work to 1,280 people.

60 workshops delivered by over 15 cultural partners.

SHED has hosted panel events, talks and public debates.

SHED outside a school surrounded by pupils and staff on the This Is Derby: Reimagined tour.

School staff and children engaged: 1,351

Children taking part in activities outside and inside SHED.

SHED has worked with over 187 artists and community groups.

S.H.E.D trailer video

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