National Saturday Club: A visit from Kid Karam video transcript

It was really special to handover
the first ever Civic Champion gold badge to Kid Karam today.
We decided to, to give that award to him because we wanted to recognise,
not only his skills and talent in breaking,
but also the incredible passion he has for Derby as a place
and the belief he has in
wanting to support the next generation.
(♫ Here we go ♫)
The National Saturday Club is a network of clubs
providing opportunities, free opportunities weekly on a Saturday
for 13 to 16 year olds, and the University of Derby’s National Saturday Club
is led in conjunction with a number of partners across the city,
such as Derby Community Trust,
such as Baby People such as Art Core, such as Derby Theater.
And it's a real pleasure for the university to be able to lead
the National Saturday Club here within the city,
because it's an important part of our civic agenda
providing opportunities, socially mobile opportunities
for our young people within the city of Derby and the wider county.
Being presented with this is actually amazing.
It's always really nice, to be appreciated within the community.
I always say, like, Derby’s a small place and people think that you have to get
out of Derby, but you can do everything here.
And it's nice that the community takes notice.
It allows me to be in touch with my community, here in Derby.
And, I feel like a champion with this.
So it's really, really good.
They was really, really, amazing, actually.
It made it real easy that the kids really got involved.
They they all wanted to take part.
Some of them, it was their first time.
Some of them, they'd been a few times before and done a little bit of breaking.
It was great because you could see the development of confidence
and character from them.
At first a few of them were a little bit shy,
and then they got well into it being back here is amazing.
I think before I was a student here, we actually used to train here as a crew,
in this room and the room next door that we did the workshop in.
So it's a it's a bit of a nostalgic feeling.
It's really nice to be back here.
And also just, to get in touch with the community,
the youngsters and the parents that came, everybody that came today, it was real
positive and I had a lot of fun sort of talking and also dancing.
(♫ Here we go, here we go, here we go ♫)
The young people that take part in the club.
It's been incredible to see the journey that some of them have gone on already
this term.
And having the masterclass delivered by Kid Karam today was just brilliant
because we really saw the development in the room in front of us in an hour,
where young people were going from strength to strength with confidence,
and I think having somebody who was able to talk to them, peer to peer,
to really represent Derby and to represent the importance
and the value of working with local communities.

National Saturday Club: A visit from Kid Karam video

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