PhD Studentship Opportunities

A PhD Scholarship, or Studentship, will encourage the most talented students to progress their research careers.

A funded five-year full-time PhD Studentship will make a substantial and original contribution to knowledge in a specific field to impact an organisation’s performance.

Bringing new perspectives to a field of study – who knows what can be achieved with your help. A funded PhD Scholarship for £50,000 per year over five years, supports with fees, travel for research, access to journals, living expenses, specific software and equipment.

Our goal is to have PhD Scholarships in the following areas:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used by businesses to support the management of processes, innovation and operations. Interfirm Relationship Management is one of the areas that can significantly benefit from AI, since modern businesses are required to manage increasingly complex interfirm relationships, partnerships, alliances and networks.

There is a lack of research in this field, and this PhD will investigate the potential applications of AI in managing Interfirm Relationships for contemporary businesses, offering an important insight.

One of the most significant environmental challenges facing the world is ensuring that production and consumption activities follow the principles of sustainable development. The Circular Economy (CE) is frequently discussed alongside sustainable development and represents a closed-loop system where materials are renewed in endless lifecycles. Digital technology has a significant role to play in implementing CE, potentially lead to enhanced competitiveness, productivity and performance.

This PhD study will help explore the role that digital technology can play in CE implementation and sustainable development to tackle environmental challenges; a research area that has had little exploration to date.

The use of the internet – particularly the vast usage of social media, instant messaging and gaming platforms – is acknowledged by Europol as being crucial in aiding radicalisation and the recruitment process of individuals to join groups and carry out attacks. Despite the increased threats of terrorism and wide use of technology to enable this, the influence of AI-based innovation on counterterrorism, or of AI in mitigating the impact of terrorism, is yet to be explored.

This PhD study aims to unlock the full potential of AI in advancing counter-terrorism efforts, increasing knowledge of the specific role of AI and which AI type can be utilised for detection. Practical applications of this research are the innovative ways in which the PROTECT UK counterterrorism strategy can be conducted, as well as the value it adds to the virtual domain. Those responsible for detecting and responding to attacks will be better equipped to monitor and identify threats more rapidly,

Recently, the phrase ‘social infrastructure’ has found new popularity among policymakers and academics, particularly in the UK. This includes a research programme undertaken by the British Academy which fed into the 2023 report ‘Space for Community’.

Using the City of Derby as a case study of social infrastructure at a civic level, this PhD study would contribute to the development of academic and public debates on ‘social infrastructure’, its definition and measurability and the ways in which these insights can inform policy decision making and support planning and coordination in the delivery of public services.

The Fashion/Garments sector accounts for 10% of carbon emissions globally and is expected to exceed 50% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050. Such a steep rise in consumer behaviour and industry practices is raising concerns over the environmental impact of the sector.

This PhD study aims to explore the key elements of the overall supply chain of the Fashion/ Garments industry and will research the application of potentially available technologies and levers to decrease emissions. The result will be the development of a Zero Carbon Operations Management Model designed to guide individual companies in their transition to zero carbon goals, one that enables them to streamline their supply chains to ensure an integrated approach.

While real interest rates and productivity have decreased since the early 90s in most advanced economies, the UK’s case is notably acute. Experts have cited several reasons for the UK’s poor productivity in the 21st century but UK economic managers admit that the exact reasons behind this is still unknown and needs further investigation.

This PhD study will analyse aspects of economic dynamics and policy implications, investigating the role of interest rates in UK productivity, innovation, and market competition. By understanding this impact, we aim to unlock improvements in resource allocation, profits, innovation, competition and, economic growth.

Neurodivergence is an umbrella term, broadly used to describe people who experience and interpret the world differently, and often face challenges in day-to-day life. There is now greater recognition of neurodivergent individuals as a distinct subpopulation in the Criminal Justice System (CJS), who may experience the CJS differently to their neurotypical peers and have distinct, historically unmet, support needs. As such, there has been a corresponding drive within organisations to identify and instil best practice when working with these individuals in the CJS.

This PhD study will explore how neurodivergent individuals with sexual convictions experience the transition from prison to the community. It will make recommendations for best practice to support successful reintegration – enhancing existing community support and assisting with reducing the risk of re-offending.

If you are interested in funding a PhD Studentship, contact us: development@derby.ac.uk