Teachers and advisors

The Widening Participation team works with the Schools and Colleges Liaison team to provide outreach activity. To check your eligibility for events and activities provided by the Widening Participation team, please view our list of eligible partner schools.

Targeted widening participation cohorts

We prioritise young people from widening participation backgrounds on our events, as well as specific targeted widening participation cohorts in line with the University of Derby's Access and Participation Plan (APP).

We can check postcodes for you using our EMWPREP postcode checker. If you would like us to do this for you, please send an anonymous list of postcodes over email or via your OneDrive folder.

  • Pupil Premium students
  • Students in receipt of free school meals (FSM)
  • Some ethnic sub-groups, including young people from Black and Asian communities, and White males from economically disadvantaged backgrounds
  • Young people in local authority care (LAC) or care experienced students
  • Young people with caring responsibilities
  • Young people who are estranged from their families
  • Those from traveller communities
  • Young people who have parents/carers in the armed forces
  • Refugees or asylum seekers
  • Young people with mental health conditions, specific learning difficulties and/who are on the autism spectrum
  • Students who live within the 40% most deprived wards based on IMD postcode data
  • Those from Young Participation Rate quintile 1 and 2 based on POLAR4 postcode data

Teacher communication preferences

* Indicates a required field