Event FAQs

What information do we need to collect before an event?

Ahead of a visit to your school or college, or a visit to the University of Derby, we will ask you to collect two documents:

These documents can be shared electronically or physically. Students can complete their own forms if they are over the age of 16. Otherwise, please share these forms with the parents/carers of students under the age of 16. Use the drop-down FAQs to download the forms. 

Please get in touch with your University contact if you have any questions or queries about the forms or email wpteam@derby.ac.uk.

On-campus events FAQs

The data collection forms we share with you are created by our partner, the East Midlands Widening Participation Research and Evaluation Partnership (EMWPREP). The form helps us to report on the type of activities delivered, the number of young people taking part and its aid in measuring the success of these activities. 


EMWPREP is a collaboration of Midlands-based Higher Education providers. They manage a database that securely stores information about the type of activities we deliver and who takes part in them. 

How do we collect information?

We ask for data collection forms to be completed when a young person takes part in an activity. The data collected on these forms is strictly confidential and stored securely on a web-enabled database.

Will we share the data your students provide?

For research purposes, we may share the data with our:

  • partner universities and colleges
  • the young person’s school or college
  • the young person's school or college’s Local Authority
  • third-party activity providers working with partner universities and colleges, and;
  • third-party data processors working with partner universities and colleges

We will NEVER publish your student’s name or personal details or allow your students to be identified from the data in any such reports or publications.

What will we do with the information?

We may use the data to then link to other educational data already held about your students and we may also access this data and use it to see if university or college activities have made a difference to your student’s future progression.

Why do we ask for your postcode?

Don’t worry; we’re not going to be sending you anything. The Government wants more young people from certain postcode areas to go into higher education and your postcode tells us how many young people in the area typically go to university.

Why are we asking about gender, disabilities, and ethnicities?

There are some groups who are under-represented in Higher Education: young people with disabilities and special educational needs, young white and black men, young people whose parents didn’t go to university, and young people in care for example. Having this information from you helps us to track the progression of young people from these groups through our research.

Do our parents/carers/learners have to complete the form?

Completion of the form is not compulsory, and non-completion of the form should not affect your students' participation in the activity. But please be assured that the information collected is strictly confidential and by completing it you will help us evaluate the impact of the activities and inform our partners in the development of future activities, which will benefit future students.

Further information about EMWPREP research can be found on their website - www.emwprep.ac.uk.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss the research in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at derbyemwprep@derby.ac.uk

Yes, you can download and share our latest 2024 Risk Assessment. This risk assessment can be uploaded to EVOLVE to use for the planning and approval of your visit to the University.


The University of Derby is committed to promoting diversity and equity through inclusive practice. Please let us know ahead of the event if your students have a disability or additional need, and how we can best adapt our activities to support their needs.

Explore our accessible maps and learn more about our commitment to equality and diversity

You are most welcome to bring students to our events in your school/college minibus. If you would like to book a minibus parking space, please email the event organiser with your vehicle registration ahead of the event.

In-school activities FAQs

For activities in school, we will collect register data (name, postcode, and date of birth).

The information allows us (University of Derby and DANCOP) to check the EMWPREP database to see if your students already have a record on our system. They will only have a record on our database if they or their parents/carers have given permission for their data to be stored and analysed. If they are found on the database, we can then link their details to the activity details listed below.

If you want more information about EMWPREP and how we use the data, you can visit their website (www.emwprep.ac.uk).

All our outreach staff members have an Enhanced DBS. If you would like more details about our safeguarding policy, please email wpteam@derby.ac.uk

5 students trying to pass a hoop along a line with a Student Ambassador.
Students and Student Ambassadors standing in a circle and interlocking hands at Summer School 2019
Three prospective students holding ice creams with a Student Ambassador outside the University.