how to create closed captions video transcript

What we're going to do now is add a video to YouTube and create closed captions. So this is my YouTube account I've created with my work email address. I click on the create button upload video.

So it brings up this window. So it tells you what you need to do. I will find my video and just drag and drop it into that window.

YouTube will now process the video.

So, while it's doing that, I will do these amendments.

So the audience, now it's not made for kids. I don't need to worry about these video elements. I do need to worry about visibility. I want my video to be private. I don't want anybody to see it.

And then we'll save while it's still processing. So I can close that while it's processing.

It's going to bring the video up in my channel content here.

Now, here's one I've created earlier. It's the same video that I've brought in because, once the video has been processed, it will take another period of time for YouTube to generate the automatic captions.

This video is one minute and seven seconds long and it took about 10 minutes to create the caption.

So I've clicked on the video to open it up and I'm clicking on subtitles.

So it will show you now English automatic, published.

So these automatic captions that are published and are available on the video.

Now we don't want automatic captions, we want to have edited captions.

So what do we do is we click on duplicate and edit it brings up this edit window.

And you'll see there is no punctuation, no capital letters, no full stops on this content.

And I know there are some, I can see there's some obvious errors in this.

Now we're not going to edit it in this window, we're going to go to assign timings and it will bring up these little text boxes.

This how it will appear on the screen.

So you can start editing it. I know that's a full stop there etc and go through editing all this. I'm not going to do that because that will be really boring for you.

What you need to do is look to see where you need to add other content.

Sometimes it will put in where it's found there's music. You may need to add another line if you want to separate some sentences.

All you do is click on this plus sign it will create a new box for you and you can write music, jaunty.

Once you've gone through all your text and you've edited it and made sure it's correct, what you need to do then is check that it's synchronized correctly with the video.

So the only way to do that is to play the video and watch the captions as they go across.

So you hit play. You'll need to do it for the whole video and, once it's all checked and ready to go, everything's correct, all you do is hit publish.

You'll see an extra line has appeared now: English, published by creator.

All you now do you go to options here, these three dots. Open it up, download .srt.

It downloads your srt file into your downloads folder.

What you do then you fill in the YouTube upload form and send your captions and your video via wetransfer and that is how to create closed captions.

How to create closed captions video

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