Loans, finance and money matters

You will need to call your relevant Student Finance organisation. Make sure that you have all paperwork and identification to hand as it will help speed up the process.

England 0300 100 0607 /
Scotland 0300 555 0505 /
Wales 0300 200 4050 /
Ireland 0300 100 0077 /

We will let the relevant Student Finance organisation know that you have confirmed your enrolment. But you must let them know if you have changed courses, your fees have changed, or if you have changed institutions. Log in to your Student Finance account to make these changes.

UK and EU students

If you are a UK or EU student and have a student loan then you don’t need to pay a deposit.

If you are self-financing you will need to pay a deposit at enrolment.

International Students

Yes, you will need to pay 50% of your annual tuition fee before you can enrol.  Please telephone +44 (0)1332 591698 for more information.


When you receive a confirmation email from us this will have your Derby ID number on it. The number starts with 100. You will need this number to register for accommodation.

We have a private housing scheme and all properties are assessed by us so you can be confident they will be safe and comfortable. Please telephone our accommodation office on 01332 591309 for up-to-date information about the properties available.

We are able to guarantee a room in Halls or University-approved private accommodation for students applying through Clearing. Contact our Accommodation team to find out more and secure your room:

If your course is based at Derby: 01332 594111
If your course is based at Buxton: 01298 330391
If your course is based at Chesterfield please contact us for information about University-approved private accommodation in the area.

University life

To find out more about car parking on and around the Derby Campus go to:

To find out more about car parking on and around the Buxton Campus go to:

Our Student Wellbeing Service will be able to assist you and offer support and advice for starting your university journey. Please visit:

UK/EU students: Yes, there are services at the University that can help you find part-time work both in the University and locally. For more information about our Student Employment Agency please call 01332 591830 or email us at

International students:- The number of hours that you can work will be outlined in your visa application.  

Our International Student Centre (ISC) can help you if you need any further information about your working rights:


T: +44 (0)1332 591616

Please contact our International team on +44 (0)1332 591698 or email