Student Finance: what you need to know video transcript

I'm Rob Fowler, Student Money Advice and Rights Team (SMART) Coordinator in Student Wellbeing at the University of Derby.

What kind of loans can students apply for?

Students can apply for two loans - there's the tuition fee loan and the maintenance loan. The tuition fee loan is the loan that pays for the tuition fee so for the course and the maintenance loan pays for all other living costs.

How do students apply for funding and when do applications open?

Students apply for their funding through It's a central application for all loans. Students can apply before the start of their course. If the course starts in September the application should open around February.

Are there any additional grants available?

Students can apply for grants for dependants. So there's an adult dependants' grant, there's a parental learning allowance and there's a child care grant. So if a student has any child or adult dependants, they can apply for those elements of support.

Is there additional funding available for students on Nursing or Allied Healthcare courses?

If you're studying Nursing or an Allied Healthcare programme you can apply to the NHS for a £5,000 non-repayable training grants.

When do students begin to repay their loans?

You won't start repaying your loans until you've completed study and you're working and earning. You'll pay back based on your income, the current threshold is £26,750 and you'll pay back nine percent of your income over that threshold.

Where can students go for more information about student finance?

You can find more information about student finance on the University of Derby website at or under education and learning and student finance.

Student Finance: what you need to know video

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