Adding a transcript to media

For accessibility, a transcript must be added to video content used in the media embed and media gallery item content types. In addition to the accessibility benefits, a written version of a video enriched with links provides relevant content that will be good for SEO.

Adding the transcript

To add a transcript to your media, you will need to complete 2 additional fields:

Mirrored media

If you mirror a media embed on to another page, the master version option must be set. You do this by linking to the master version of the media within T4 using the Add content link button (below).

Master version field showing the add content link button

Setting this will tell search engines which transcript is the master copy, preventing it flagging duplicate content showing on multiple pages. Only the master version will be indexed by Google. Once a master version has been set for a piece of content, it doesn't need setting each time the media is mirrored.