Ticket information

Booking your tickets

You can order tickets for yourself and your guests by logging into UDo when you receive your graduation invitation.

If you are unable to access your UDo account as it’s been 90 days after your award date, please email us at graduation@derby.ac.uk and we can provide you with an alternative method of booking your tickets. 

Please ensure you read the information below, the ceremony eligibility and attendance and our terms and conditions prior to placing an order. When you make a payment for tickets you'll receive an automated confirmation email to confirm your payment has been successful.

Ordering your tickets

Ticket prices are as follows:

If you have any special graduate requirements for the award ceremonies you can tell us online when you order.

Ticket orders will be sent electronically to primary email addresses we have for you on our system, a QR code will be sent to you which will be scanned on the day of the ceremony.

Not attending the ceremony?

Please log into UDo, select your personal tab and log into your student centre. Select 'Confirm unable to attend'.