Applicant Experience Days

As a University of Derby applicant, we’d love to invite you to our Applicant Experience Day! There's so better way to get to know the University and make sure it’s the right place for you. 

Next Applicant Experience Day: Saturday 22nd February, 9:30am - 4:00pm

Book your place

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What is an Applicant Experience Day?

Our Applicant Experience Days are exclusive events tailored to students who have applied to study at the University of Derby. You will get the chance to explore your course and future campus in more detail so you get a true feeling for what it would be like to study here. 

Whilst you may have already visited us at one of our Open Days, our Applicant Experience Days are designed to help you at this stage in your exciting journey. You might have new questions for us to answer, you might be more interested in finding out more about student accommodation, or maybe you need a little help with understanding student finance. 

Whatever you want to know or need support with, an Applicant Experience Day is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the University of Derby. 

What to expect at your Applicant Experience Day