
Compassionate Mind Training for Pupils: Wellbeing - Our Brains, Our Bodies

Date and time
Thursday, 4 September 2025 -
Friday, 5 September 2025

Enterprise Centre
Bridge Street

About the course

In this course, you will be trained to deliver the CMT-Pupils: WoBoB lessons to your pupils. The six-lesson series entitled ‘Wellbeing: Our Brains, Our Bodies’ helps pupils of both primary and secondary age (i.e., age range 9-12) gain greater understanding of their own emotions – including how emotions work in the brain and the body. We also introduce a range of fun practices and exercises that are based upon a compassion ethos as well as positive psychology. More information on course content can be found on our Compassion in Education webpage.

CMT-WoBoB improves child mental health, prosocial behaviours and classroom behaviours as demonstrated through rigorous trial and evaluation of the lessons in a top-ranking international peer-reviewed journal. To expand, the lessons protect children from increases in anxiety, improve feelings of social inclusion and allow children to better emotionally regulate; all resulting in improved classroom behaviour. Considering anxiety is the leading cause of pupil absence in the UK, WoBoB allows for an affordable approach to improving pupil well-being.

Prerequisite: To be eligible to register and enrol on the CMT-Pupils WoBoB delivery training course, individual’s must have first completed the 6 Module Compassionate Mind Training for Teachers, Staff and Educators (CMT-TSE) CPD. If you wish to discuss this entry prerequisite further, please email Professor Frances Maratos at f.maratos@derby.ac.uk.

What To Expect

This training package will introduce you to the content of our CMT-Pupils WoBoB PSHE curriculum and provide you with the understanding, skills and materials needed to be able to deliver the lessons with children in Year 5, Year 6 and Year 7. The training is delivered over 2 full days and will include the following content:

Day 1:

Day 2:

Course price

Training in delivery of Compassionate Mind Training for Pupils: Wellbeing - Our Brains, Our Bodies is costed at £350.00 per individual for in-person delivery (2-day course).

Please note: Refreshments and a light lunch are provided.

Please note that only a small number of teachers need to be trained in WoBoB curriculum delivery per school/trust, adding to its affordably - as once trained, these individuals can deliver CMT-Pupils WoBoB to years 5, 6 and/or 7 classes as part of school or trust RSE/PSHE provision.

For bespoke school/academy/university delivery please contact Professor Frances Maratos.

Book your place

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