Psychology Training - Data Analysis

An Introduction to Reflexive Thematic Analysis

This face-to-face interactive workshop is ideal for students, staff and industry researchers across all levels, with the aim to support those who wish to conduct postgraduate and PhD level research. 

Course Content:   

By the end of this training you will: 

You will be provided with: 

Thematic analysis is a qualitative research method that is used to develop, analyse and present patterns (themes) within data. It can be used in a variety of ways to both describe and interpret findings. 

Dr Carrie Childs and Dr Chris Howard are senior lecturers in psychology and are experienced, active, qualitative researchers.   

Tuesday 8th July 2025

9:30 am until 4:30 pm

Enterprise Centre, Derby, UK

Full cost - £175 including VAT

Discounted cost - £125 including VAT (students, NHS workers) 

Ticket bundle - £300 including VAT (when purchasing x2 tickets for events in this series)

Introduction to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

This interactive, face-to-face, workshop is ideal for students, and academics across all levels.  

Participants will be introduced to the epistemology that underpins IPA, discuss research questions and IPA interview/focus group schedule design, review the stages involved in analysis, and have time to work through a given data set at a level ‘beyond description’. We will have time for questions and signpost participants to valuable resources. 

You will be provided with: 

Dr Fiona Holland and Dr Jane Montague are experienced IPA researchers, and workshop facilitators. They both publish, examine and review IPA research.  

Wednesday 9th July 2025

9:30am until 4:00pm

Enterprise Centre, Derby, UK

Full cost - £175 including VAT

Discounted cost - £125 including VAT (students, NHS workers) 

Ticket bundle - £300 including VAT (when purchasing x2 tickets for events in this series)

Psychology Training- Data Analysis

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