Student panel

What is the Student Panel?

The Student Panel is run by the Student Engagement and Enhancement team at the University of Derby. It is a collection of engaged students, who volunteer to take part in activities where they can share their opinions and experiences on different aspects of the University and help shape the future. 

We want you to remember that you are a valued part of the University's decision-making community. The University is constantly striving to improve the student experience, and the Panel gives students the opportunity to shape this process through feedback and review. Staff always want to hear the thoughts of the Student Panel - it's the first port of call and a fantastic opportunity for you to facilitate positive change across the University. 

The Panel utilises many different feedback mechanisms, such as polls, surveys, focus groups, online discussions and scenario-based reflective accounts. All our activities are voluntary and online or hybrid so we can be as inclusive as possible. Members of the panel will be contacted via email so look out for opportunities throughout the year to share your views and we will let you know how your feedback is making a real difference.

Sign up for the Student Panel

How you'll benefit...

Make your voice heard and gain employability skills

Earn rewards

To show our appreciation for the time you have taken to share your voice and aid future improvements, you will earn points and be rewarded with UoD merchandise.

The Student Panel runs from October to June every year, giving you enough time to earn those points and claim your rewards. At the end of the academic year, we will contact you to check if you are still happy to be involved with the panel, then in summer, the Student Panel will refresh, with your points total restarting at zero. 

Futures Award

Any hours you do as part of the Student Panel can count towards the Futures Award, which recognises your engagement with co-curricular, employability related activities. Find out more and start logging your hours through the Futures Award scheme (student login required). 

Find out more about the benefits from a UoD student

A student stood with a microphone in front of other students.


Your voice enables us to make real change.

View improvements based on your feedbackView improvements based on your feedback

Sign up for the Student Panel

Our Student Panel is an opportunity to make a difference and influence the student experience. You can share your opinions on University processes and planned changes. The Panel is open for all students to join and aims to have a membership of students from across the University, from all sites, that is broadly representative of the overall student population. 

To say thank you for sharing your views, as a member of the Student Panel you will receive rewards. If you want to have your say, make a difference and earn some great incentives along the way, you can sign up here:

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