Student parking at St Helena Campus Chesterfield

We encourage all students to consider alternative ways to travel other than by car but appreciate that sometimes this might not be possible. 

There is no on-site parking for students at St Helena in Chesterfield.

The University has an arrangement with Chesterfield Borough Council for reduced-cost student parking nearby using a daily scratch card. 

Scratch cards allow all-day parking in the following car parks for just £3.00 per day.

Scratch cards are available from our online shop.

Once you have purchased your scratch cards online, take the receipt to the Student Hub Express on the Upper Ground Floor of the St Helena campus and you will be issued with your scratch cards. You will need to scratch off the day to correspond with your day's parking. The Chesterfield car parks listed above are part of the safer parking scheme and are patrolled. Failure to follow the instructions on the scratch cards, or failure to display the scratch cards will result in a Parking Enforcement Notice (PEN).

If you are a Blue Badge holder, there is limited Blue Badge parking at St Helena. Approval to park must be acquired via the MiPermit Derby website