Get Ready for Uni!

Get Cooking

Get Ready for Uni: Get Cooking

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Run time: 28:56

You’re probably wondering what cooking has to do with going to university, and why we are focusing on this topic. It goes without saying that feeling healthy and well-nourished helps with concentration and energy levels, contributing to academic success. Not only that, but cooking can be a really sociable activity and a way to make friends in student accommodation. Our alumna, Wisia, gives a whistle-stop tour of how to cook simple dishes on a budget. 

Caution: this video will make you hungry! 

Take a look through our helpful teacher resources. The first is a workbook to be used whilst watching the video:

Baasit Siddiqui smiling to the camera

Get Ready for Uni programme

Check out our other Get Ready for Uni online workshops available for free and on demand. The workshops focus on important skills needed at university and will set up your students for the next stage of their learning journey.

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