Accommodation information for parents

How to support your children at University

Here are some useful tips to get your son or daughter prepared for independent living (and to help you not worry too much).

Get them to brush up on basic life skills

Make sure they're ready to move in

Double-check they have the right cover for their gadgets

Hall fees include room contents insurance provided by Howden. Register with Howden and find out more about the cover they provide. Please note that cover for possessions outside a student room is not included so it's worth extending the cover if necessary, or checking whether your home insurance covers student possessions. 

Maintain a positive attitude

Have confidence in them but let them know it's perfectly normal to be a bit nervous.

Talk them through their finances

This will include how much they will get in loans, grants and bursaries, what you'll be providing (if any) and when their fees need to be paid.

Let us know about additional support

If your child requires additional support in halls, please make sure we are aware of this.

Put these useful dates in your diary

Term dates 2024/25

Term Term dates 2024/2025
Autumn term Monday 16 September to Friday 13 December 
Spring term Monday 6 January to Friday 12 April
Summer term Monday 28 April to Friday 5 July

Halls payments

Instalment Payment due date
First 2 October 2024
Second 15 January 2025
Third 15 April 2025

Find out more information about the transition to University