Building back better

Explore how green jobs can help to build a greener economy, find out about the steps taken to 'pandemic-proof' the events industry, and hear from University of Derby alumni Adam Buss and Hannah Fox - two of the city's biggest cultural game changers.

Read more in this latest issue. 

Editor's Letter

This is the fourteenth issue of the University of Derby magazine, and the second 'digital-only' issue that we've produced. Removing the need to print and post the magazine was a decision we made earlier this year, one that seems even more sound with COP26 recently taking place and the spotlight firmly on what steps, however small, we can all take to help address the climate crisis the world is facing. 

Rosie Marshalsay smiling broadly

Removing the need to print the magazine seems even more sound with COP26 underway and the spotlight firmly on what steps, however small, we can all take to help address the climate crisis the world is facing.

Rosie Marshalsay

You can read more in this issue about how the University is aligning its activities to this important agenda, as well as features on teaching the teachers, apprenticeships, business and skills, research and more.

As always, we’d welcome your feedback on this issue and what you’d like to hear about in future ones. To make this as easy as possible you can complete the short form below. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this issue – enjoy!


We would welcome your feedback