
Derby Child Contact Centre receives tea time treat from University ‘Community Fund’

17 April 2015

The University of Derby has announced that the Derby Child Contact Centre has been given a cash boost from its Community Fund initiative.

The Derby Child Contact Centre, which was established over 20 years ago, has been awarded £2,200 funding for their new tea bar project.

The Centre provides a safe and happy environment for children to meet their non-resident parent, grandparents or siblings. They have been working from temporary accommodation after their original premise at Queen’s Hall was sold two years ago but are now set to move back, under the new owners.

For Jill Albiston, who volunteers at Derby Child Contact Centre, the money is already making a huge difference: “The centre has now moved into new premises and the building work has started on the tea bar project. I’m so happy that it will finally be real and not just a figment of our imagination.

Kedleston campus looking towards the library

“The builders have offered to do all the work that we need but they are concentrating on the tea bar. They’re also making us a second door and have been knocking through walls this week. They are even going to work in the evenings to get it done.

“There isn’t a kitchen available so the tea bar will provide drinks and snacks for the parents and children who visit the centre, as well as much needed storage for supplies. It’s vital to offer a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere for our clients.”

Rosie Marshalsay, Head of External Relations at the University of Derby, added: “The University is an integral part of the community so we’re thrilled to have been able to support Derby Child Contact Centre, a local charity focused on supporting children and their families, who we believe are very worthy recipients of the funding.”

The Community Fund is just one of the ways in which the University of Derby hopes to give back to local people by handing out grants to inspiring projects that seek to benefit the community. The University hands out £10,000 each year to local projects and groups.

The next round of funding is already open and closes on April 27, 2015. Winners will be announced in May. Find out more about the Community Fund.