
Derby named finalist in Global Teaching Excellence Awards 2018

University of Derby Kedleston Road Campus

18 May 2018

The University of Derby has been named one of 17 finalists in the Global Teaching Excellence Awards (GTEA), which showcase the world’s best institutions in 2018.


Introduced last year, the awards, led by Advance HE, recognise and celebrate the institution-wide commitment to the pursuit of teaching excellence.

The awards are open to all providers of higher education across the world and in 2018 attracted expressions of interest from institutions based in 41 countries in the six permanently populated continents.

Following a rigorous two-stage review and selection process, 17 finalists across the globe were selected including Edge Hill University, The Open University, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and Vancouver Island University, Canada.

Professor Kathryn Mitchell, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Derby, said: “This is the second time we have been nominated for the awards. It is fantastic to be recognised for the strength of the learning and teaching strategy at Derby, which is meeting the needs of a diverse student population through innovative ways of engaging with students. This is additional recognition of our excellence in learning and teaching quality.”

The GTEA 2018 overall winner will be revealed at a ceremony held at The Hub on Edinburgh’s Royal Mile on Wednesday 18 July. The achievements of all finalists will be celebrated at the ceremony.  This year for the first time, five of the finalists will also receive a GTEA Spotlight award. These new commendations recognise a particular aspect of an institution’s pursuit of teaching excellence.

Svava Bjarnason, Chair of the GTEA 2018 judging panel and a former member of the World Bank Education Sector Board, said: “This year’s entries were of a very high calibre and I congratulate all the 2018 finalists. I’d also like to thank all the institutions that entered; there were some incredibly difficult decisions in selecting the finalists, the Spotlight award winners and the overall winner.”

All GTEA 2018 entries underwent a rigorous review process. In the first phase, each submission was assessed by three peer reviewers. Their scores and comments were used to identify those institutions that proceeded to the judging stage. A distinguished panel of international judges then independently assessed shortlisted submissions and ranked those in contention for the top award. They came together to review all the evidence and deliberate on those that best addressed the criteria to select the finalists, Spotlight winners and the overall winner.

Alison Johns, Chief Executive of Advance HE, added: “I am delighted that the 2018 Award is continuing under the Advance HE banner. Teaching excellence is a core strand of our work alongside leadership and equality, diversity and inclusion, which are all key strategic priorities for institutions.

“The quality of submissions for GTEA 2018 was outstanding. The finalists all provided exemplary evidence of their commitment to the pursuit of teaching excellence and it is so important to recognise and reward this on a global stage.  Great teaching galvanises staff and students. It also has far-reaching implications for society as a whole. The GTEA 2018 finalists deserve to be recognised – and celebrated!”