
University of Derby forms strategic alliance with Botswana Accountancy College

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kathryn Mitchell and Serty Leburu, CEO of the Botswana Accountancy College

10 October 2019

The University of Derby has strengthened its longstanding partnership with Botswana Accountancy College (BAC) by forming a strategic alliance with the Southern African business school.

Derby has been trusted partners with BAC for ten years, and was recently recognised as the first of its academic partners to be accredited as an awarding body by Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA).

The alliance will enable the University to engage in a wide range of teaching activities and further enhance research collaborations between the two institutions. It will also see the University working to deliver solutions for workforce development by expanding its portfolio offer at BAC, and introducing online learning capabilities into Botswana and South Africa.

On a recent visit to Botswana, the University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kathryn Mitchell, attended the National Human Resource Development Conference in Gaborone, the country’s capital city. While there, Professor Mitchell was able to engage with industry leaders and representatives from a variety of sectors to gain a greater insight into the skills needs of the region now, and the demand for future skills.

Partners from BAC later visited the University to attend its annual Teaching and Learning Conference, where they learnt about further opportunities for the institutions to collaborate and share best teaching practices.

Speaking about the strategic alliance, Professor Kathryn Mitchell said: "I am delighted that the University’s partnership with BAC has continued to develop and strengthen over the years, allowing us to move forward with a joint focus on teaching quality and collaborative research.

“The BQA accreditation is further recognition of the quality of the University’s learning programmes delivered at BCA, and the new strategic alliance will enable us to determine the educational needs of the region and work closely to address skills gaps in the local labour market.”

Serty Leburu, CEO of the BCA, said: “Botswana Accountancy College continues to be a premier business school that partners with quality premier partners like the University of Derby renowned for the business flagship programmes that are aligned to the Botswana diversification and growth drive.

“It is therefore a tremendous achievement as the College continues to grow from strength to strength through the collaborative and great partnership we have with the University of, and there are opportunities to do more.”

The University delivers a series of programmes to BAC students including BA (Hons) in Tourism Management, BA (Hons) International Hospitality Management, BA (Hons) International Tourism Management, BA (Hons) International Salon Management and MSc in Strategic Management.

For more information about the benefits of University of Derby partnerships and programmes, go to our international partnerships page.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Kathryn Mitchell and Serty Leburu, CEO of the Botswana Accountancy College

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