
University of Derby team wins award for Inclusive Education

Claire Gardener at the Blackboard Catalyst Awards

29 May 2019

A team from the University of Derby’s Centre for Excellence in Learning & Teaching (CELT) has won the Blackboard Catalyst Award for Inclusive Education, which honours institutions whose teaching, content, technology and educational services are fully inclusive and supportive of learners with disabilities.

The team impressed judges with the focused effort the University has made to ensure that the learning environment is inclusive and equitable for all students. This institutional commitment and approach to inclusive practice, and the implementation of Blackboard Ally (a product designed to make digital content more accessible) in the past 18 months, highlights outstanding inclusive education.

Claire Gardener, Senior Learning Technologist at CELT, said: “We are absolutely thrilled to receive this award! It recognises our progression towards creating an inclusive learning experience for our students.”

Founded in 2005, the annual Catalyst Awards recognise and honor innovation and excellence in the Blackboard global community of practice, where millions of educators and learners work every day to redefine what is possible when using technology. Winners are selected by a cross-functional team of Blackboard experts.

Lee Blakemore, Chief Client Officer and President, Global Client Operations & Success at Blackboard, added: “I’m proud to recognise this year’s outstanding recipients of the Blackboard Catalyst Award for their demonstrated commitment to using technology to enhance the learning experience, and sharing their best practices with the education community. Their outstanding contributions will help to support learner success in the Blackboard user community.”

The University of Derby team was honoured alongside other Blackboard Catalyst Award winners during TLC Europe 2019, Blackboard’s user conference held in May in Newcastle. 

Blackboard is the leading provider of learner success-focused technology solutions and services. Its product portfolio is unmatched in the marketplace, spanning teaching and learning, analytics, community engagement and student services.

Claire Gardener at the Blackboard Catalyst Awards
From L-R: Oleg Figlin (Vice President Europe, Blackboard), Claire Gardener and Andy McGinn (Director, Client Success Management, Blackboard)

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