New analysis reveals graduates in East Midlands earn at least a third more

University of Derby Kedleston Road campus

27 November 2024

New analysis from Universities UK of government LEO (Longitudinal Education Outcomes) data reveals that individuals who choose to attend university earn substantially more over their lifetimes compared to those who do not, regardless of the region they are from. 

This data provides a new perspective on opportunities for graduates in the East Midlands.  

By age 31 graduates from the East Midlands earn 37 per cent more than non-graduates from the same region. 

In the East Midlands region graduates can earn up to 96 per cent more compared to other employees in accommodation and food services activities. 

This money benefits graduates’ wider communities, and the country as a whole - based on recent analysis, graduate skills, are estimated to have an economic impact of £95 billion nationwide in 2021-2 – and £7 billion in the East Midlands. 

There is also a clear trend across the country – that those regions with more graduates are more productive, driving economic growth.  

The industries of the future, those that the government has set out as driving growth over the next decade, are heavily dependent on graduate skills – including the creative sector (76 per cent), professional and business services (74 per cent) and life science sector (73 per cent).  

In the East Midlands, graduates outperform non-graduates by a third, 10 years after graduation. Even for those working in sectors which are commonly perceived as not needing degree-level training, such as arts and entertainment, the salary premium is clear, standing at 41.8 per cent.   

This analysis shows that a degree allows graduates from all regions to earn more.  

Professor Keith McLay, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Derby, said:

“At the University of Derby, we recognise that our graduates are the future workforce. Helping to support growth and opportunity, the value of graduate talent, their skills and experience cannot be underestimated. 

“As an institution, we also bring more than £300 million to the regional economy every year through jobs, contracts, research and more so play a significant role in the ongoing prosperity and growth of the East Midlands.” 

Professor Dame Sally Mapstone, FRSE, President of Universities UK, said:

“Those of us who work in universities witness the transformative power of higher education every day, and it is compelling to see this borne out so strongly in this analysis.  

“But this data shows something new – universities are anchors for growth right across the UK.  

“As well as contributing to their local area through the money they spend while studying, graduates go on to meet the needs of local industries and to earn more.   

“This new analysis gives a clear message to government, local and mayoral authorities that thriving universities in every part of the country are central to the prospects for individuals and communities.” 

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