What is a learning disability? video transcript

What is a learning disability?

We asked people with a learning disability and their families what learning disability means to them

To me, I think that having a disability just means that we may need extra support to do some everyday things.

I can't understand everything you say. If you give me big long sentence, it’s like I need it cutting down into smaller sentences so I can understand it.

For me a learning disability means that we have a different path than what we thought but ultimately makes you appreciate every aspect of your life and all the smaller things are just worth so much more now.

Disability affects me because I can’t do anything around the area like going out.

For me is for difficulty to learn new things.

It's really, really tough and demanding. But on the positive side as a human being it’s talking patience and understanding.

Friends can do all. They can go out and then they can like, chill with a friend. Come home late.

Maybe reading a recipe is very difficult because I can't read very well.

For me a learning disability means slowing down and appreciating just the smallest things in life, the smallest achievements of what our little boy can do, that maybe other people take for granted.

For me, a learning disability. Meant that we looked to put a label on Simon for several years when he was younger. And failed to find the reason. And after that we ceased looking. We just accepted Simon for what he was and enjoyed what we had.

What is a learning disability? video

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