Interview information

iQTS with PGCE interview information

Your interview experience is an exciting opportunity for you to demonstrate your passion for the course you are applying for.

What to bring to the interview

At the online interview, please be prepared to show on screen:

The Introductions

This will be an opportunity for you to introduce yourself and make sure the technology is working successfully. Don’t worry if there are any problems – we have all experienced technological failures!

The Discussion around an educational topic

Be prepared to discuss a current educational initiative with your interviewers. For example, it could be linked to the use of teaching assistants, inclusion, the use of social media or technology etc.

We will be looking for:

The Questions

You will have lots of opportunity to share further information to support your application such as:

What we are looking for:

Postgraduate thinking in teaching: evidence of original thinking, demonstrating creative yet realistic ideas for the primary classroom. The ability to structure your thoughts on teaching for the age group that you have chosen; appropriateness of your ideas; ability to demonstrate good subject /curriculum knowledge; understanding of how children learn.

National Curriculum/EYFS: evidence that you have basic knowledge and understanding of the Primary National Curriculum or the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS); your ideas can be linked to one of the curricula; the key stage and learning objective(s) are specified.

The Primary National Curriculum Key Stages 1 and 2

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework

Communication: your use of spoken English language e.g. the ability to communicate using clear, grammatically precise grammar; clarity; expression. The ability to engage your audience and to structure your discussion logically.

Confidence: your ability to convey enthusiasm and confidence; maintain eye contact and smile!

Passion and energy: show that you care about teaching and why you want to join this profession.

Professionalism: demonstrate appropriate professional qualities and potential required to meet the professional International Teacher Standards e.g. demeanour, positive attitude, appearance and how you present yourself both in your mindset and the way you conduct yourself.

What happens if I am unable to attend my interview? 

If you are unable to make your interview date for whatever reason or if you would like to withdraw your application with us, you can request to do this by completing our short form. 

Any special requirements?

Please let us know if you require any reasonable adjustments, particularly if you have any disability or special needs, to help us to assist you in the interview process, eg any access or communication issues.

Is the interview day compulsory?

Yes. You will need to attend the interview before we can make you an offer on the programme.

What happens if I am running late on the day?

We know that delays are sometimes unavoidable so, if you are running late on the day, please contact us as soon as you are able to and let us know your estimated arrival time. If necessary, we can tell you any alternate arrangements for your interview. In some instances, if you expect to be significantly late, we may suggest you book for a different date.

Can I visit the halls/campus?

If you are unable to visit the university in person, you can chat online to our students.

You can also take a Virtual Tour of our campuses and halls of residence.

And finally…

Should you have any questions, or if you require any reasonable adjustments to attend the interview, please do not hesitate to contact us by telephone: +44 (0)1332 591167 or email:

Please note: if you apply for more than one course in a similar subject or discipline that requires an interview, you may only need to attend one interview.

Where this happens, you will only be invited to attend an interview for one of the courses and providing you meet the shortlisting criteria for them all, your other applications will be held and processed based on the outcome of that interview. In such instances you will be notified by email to let you know.