UK Academic Partners

The University of Derby is ambitious, innovative and modern, offering flexible and accessible high quality learning to a national and global audience.

Working in partnership with other institutions is fundamental to the way in which we promote participation in higher and further education, contribute to economic growth and strengthen our reputation and we welcome the opportunity to partner with institutions who share this goal.

The University has a number of long standing UK Collaborative Partners who deliver, via collaborative arrangements, University of Derby Awards.

The University defines a collaborative partnership as all arrangements leading to the University making an award, or giving credit towards an award, on the basis of education provided by, with, or at another organisation. We ensure close and effective engagement with all of our partners to increase access to further and higher education and all of our collaborative arrangements are operated to the standards and quality processes regulated by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).

Find out more about becoming a partner

Our UK Collaborative Partners


Two ladies reading an open day guide, smiling

Alumni Discount

Students graduating from an Undergraduate award at a UK partner can now benefit from the University’s 25% alumni discount should they choose to continue their studies at a postgraduate level at the University.

Find out more about the Alumni discount Find out more about the Alumni discount