MA Applied Theatre and Education video video transcript

Theatre production footage with University of Derby logo appearing in white. 

Footage pans to show Ross, a male with brown hair and glasses and a tie dye t shirt, talking in front of a black background. 

Ross: My name is Ross and I am studying a Masters in Applied Theatre and Education.

Footage pans to show Ava Hunt, Programme Leader for this course, in a workshop setting with Ross and another student. 

Ross: The reason I chose to apply for Derby University's Theatre course is because I wanted to study Applied Theatre further, that is what my undergraduate degree was in and I wanted to link it to  

Footage changes to school children in yellow t shirts and trousers on a stage rehearsing and then people in period costumes performing. 

Ross: I am a qualified teacher, so I wanted to better my practice. 

Another student talks over the performance footage: The facilities are second to none. I mean a ready made theatre, and you can't really ask for more than that.

Footage of Derby Theatre stage and technical equipment. 

Student comes on screen, male with dark hair and glasses and a purple top in front of a painted white brick wall. 

Student talks: So we have access to that theatre, we're able to shadow people if we want to,  
watch drama productions put on by students. There's a whole range of opportunities. 

Onyinye appears on screen, she is sat in front of a radiator and white wall with black and white abstract art. Onyinye has black hair tied up away from her face, a black, red and white head scarf, black glasses and large square metal earrings. Onyinye is wearing a grey hoodie and is talking to the camera. Footage of various productions and workshops is shown with Onyinye's audio overlayed. 

Onyinye: Of course the opportunity to work with different  groups of people to do theatre, to do games,  
to - it's kind of working but there's fun and it's kind of having fun and working at the same  
time. The course of Applied Theatre and Education explores techniques of theatre or drama.

Ross comes back on screen and the footage is a mix of him talking to the camera, workshops from the course Ross has been involved in and a performance in a school setting with puppets and some painted cardboard to look like a brick wall and white sheets as scenery. 

Ross: There are three semesters and you do an applied theatre module and an education  
module in each semester. Being able to get hands-on and get actual experience in that field, I find really valuable.

The other male students talks over performance and workshop footage that's filmed in a school setting: It's a wonderful balance of academic and practical. Both within the educational setting and outside in the real world. We get to speak to people who are using these techniques in real life situations. You know it's a real interaction and integration between the student world of drama and the professional world of drama. 

Footage is shown of Programme Leader Ava with students including Ross in a workshop in a rehearsal space. They're standing in a circle and throwing a ball to one another. 

Ross: I learn much better when I'm actively doing something and there's so many opportunities for me to go and do that, which I know I learn a lot from.

Footage closes with some more performance of people in period costumes, Ross talking to the camera and then a black screen with a white University of Derby logo and the copy '' in white. 

MA Applied Theatre and Education video video

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