- Develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a Public Health Practitioner who can lead, develop and evaluate public health projects
- Critically explore health organisations and health care provision
- You will investigate public health approaches used toward health protection and promotion for individual, community and population health
- Gain a deep, conceptual understanding that enables evaluation of current research in order to use the best evidence base
- Develop a critical understanding of the wider determinants of health and interventions aimed at reducing health inequalities
If you’re a public health worker, such as a community nurse, environmental health practitioner, health promotion officer, community health worker, or if you have a medical or health background, this course will help you to develop the skills and knowledge needed to become a public health practitioner who can lead, develop, and evaluate public health projects in a multi-disciplinary environment.
Global perspectives
The course is structured to allow knowledge transfer between home and overseas students, enabling you to benefit from best practice from all over the world. You’ll study the underlying causes, mechanisms and potential public health intervention strategies aimed at reducing health inequalities.
Elements of the course have a global perspective, so you’ll get to study global, environmental and public health issues to gain an international perspective. If you’re an international student you’ll be able to study topics that are directly relevant to your native country, as well as looking at UK specific issues.
Experienced teaching team
Our teaching team are friendly, approachable, and include public health specialists, environmental health practitioners, biomedical scientists, and psychologists. They will provide you with a broad perspective on public health issues that is firmly based in practice through case studies.
Public health specialists may mentor and support you throughout the course and research opportunities with the public health team may be available.
Practical course
This is a practical course with a focus on case studies, scenarios and practice in the community run in partnership with the public health team at Derby City Council.
You will have the opportunity to learn using our state of the art facilities including our Interactive Immersive Simulation Suite that creates a real life environment for students allowing the application of theory to practice in a safe space forging critical discussion as a way to move forward.
Note that it does not provide readiness for the Faculty of Public Health examination (Part A).
The Master of Public Health programme has been mapped to the Public Health England Skills and Knowledge Framework, the Practitioner Competencies of the United Kingdom Public Health Register (UKPHR) and the overarching nine key competency areas of the Functions of the Local Public Health System. On successful completion of the course, graduates are able to apply for registration with UKPHR.
Who you'll meet
You will meet a multi-professional team of lecturers that are experts in their field from Public Health, Health, Environmental Health and Psychology. The programme team have good employer links especially Derby City Council Public Health Department who will be part of the Programme delivery team. An academic personal tutor will be allocated to each MPH student, from within the programme team, at the beginning of the programme.
The course is made up of three stages: Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, and Master of Public Health.
Stage 2 Post Graduate Diploma (PG Dip) (Interim Award) (120 Credits)
You will study modules such as:
On completion of the PG Cert, take the compulsory modules below:
- Public Health and Health Improvement
Plus 1 Optional Module From:
- Global Public Health Issues
- Health Economics
- Introduction to Health Promotion
- Leading for Quality
- Society and Human Health (on campus only)
- Health Protection
Please note that our modules are subject to change - we review the content of our courses regularly, making changes where necessary to improve your experience and graduate prospects.
The overall approach to teaching, learning and assessment is influenced and determined by the following key areas:
- Flexibility of study via on-campus and online delivery, with dedicated on campus and online tutors
- Attainment of a holistic overview of public health
- Practitioner-based approach
- Research and evidence-based approach
- Technology-based support, instruction and assessment
- Integrated course delivery across the breadth of public health
- Multidisciplinary practitioner team approach
Depending on the chosen mode of delivery you will learn online or face to face. There will be opportunities to discuss Public Health issues, thoughts and ideas with your peers within a constructive environment.
In accordance with the educational philosophy of our programme and the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy of the University, the delivery of the programme offers variety and ensures that the learning and assessment activities are relevant and of value to future professional practice. The programme recognises the importance of integrating practice experience and formal theory through the use of real-life case studies, simulation and scenarios.
- The use of virtual scenario tools
- The use of the virtual classroom for tutorials, seminars and discussion forums
- The use of wikis and blogs to facilitate interactive discussion between students and tutors
- The use of podcasts to provide guidance on key elements
- The use of pre-recorded narratives to accompany presentation slides
Students will be given guidance to facilitate arranging their own public health experience and insight visits.
How you're assessed
“This programme operates within the University’s Regulatory Framework and conforms to its regulations on assessment.”
The assessments are designed to test the module learning outcomes, which are derived from the module content, generic learning outcomes and programme aims. All assessment of knowledge and applied skills is carried out by coursework.
Formative interactive elements are provided to ensure that students engage with the topic areas covered in each module We believe that the summative assessments should not only test the above but should provide students with the opportunity to develop key practice skills. As such, more traditional essays and reports are used in combination with presentations and portfolios containing shorter exercises to assess specific skills. We also use multifaceted case studies that integrate topic areas to enable students to develop critical thinking and innovation. This approach helps ensure the breadth and depth of knowledge required at this level.
The portfolio is an “active learning tool”. This means that it is continuously updated and evolving during the student’s time on the course. It will also demonstrate the range and level of Public Health knowledge and skills to employers. The developing portfolio will form the basis of one-to-one meetings with the academic personal tutor.
The Masters of Public Health programme allows progression in terms of further qualifications and employment. The Masters is a good basis for further study in the form of a PhD or Professional Doctorate. It will also improve the employment prospects of students by providing an informed insight into current multi–disciplinary practises employed in the evolving public health arena. From a wider perspective the programme provides a suitable qualification for those working in allied areas.
Previous graduates have successfully pursued careers for government public health bodies, in education and as global pharmaceutical epidemiologists.
Admissions to this programme are consistent with those of a Regulatory Framework for Postgraduate Taught Programmes.
Applicants should normally have:
A minimum of a lower second class Honours degree (2:2) or above in a public health related science from a UK university, the CNAA or an overseas equivalent with National Agency for the Recognition and Comparison of International Qualifications and Skills (NARIC) approval.
Qualifications and experience considered to be equivalent to the above. All students applying via this route will be assessed and where necessary interviewed by the Programme Leader.
- GCSE grade C/4 or above in English language or certificated equivalences, regardless of previous educational qualifications
- Additionally, International students will be expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English and would normally be expected to have an IELTS score of 6.5, with no less than 6, in all areas, subject to academic discretion
- If applicants are using a WAEC qualification as certified evidence this must be at a minimum of C6 for English language
- International students with a visa are required to study on campus
The final decision regarding admission will be with the MPH Programme Leader.
How to apply
Please look at our before you apply.
Download programme specification
Teaching hours
Like most universities, we operate extended teaching hours at the University of Derby, so contact time with your lecturers and tutors could be anytime between 9am and 9pm. Your timetable will usually be available on the website 24 hours after enrolment on to your course.
Minimum numbers
Please note that this course is subject to minimum numbers in order to run.