Case study

my prospects

Lawyer Nta Nta knew a postgraduate degree would increase his knowledge in his chosen specialism and improve his career prospects. He is now studying for our Master of Laws (LLM) at Derby.

From Nigeria to Derby

Nta was called to the Nigerian bar in 2013 and then worked in different sectors. He spent three years in a private law firm where he focused mainly on commercial law. Having realised that this was the area he wanted to specialise in, he decided his next step was postgraduate study.

He explains: “I heard about the University of Derby from a friend who advised that it had an excellent reputation for teaching quality. I then carried out my own research and found the course content fitted my aspirations and my study requirements.”  

Nta contacted our representative in Nigeria who took him through the whole application process, including his application for a visa to study in the UK.

Nta Nta outside One Friar Gate Square

Settling in

Having made the move to Derby, Nta has found settling in easy. “The sites in Derby are all close together, and the Unibus has helped me find my way around,” he says. “The lecturers have all been friendly and warm and have given lots of support.”

And, beyond his studies, he has also found lots of practical help available. He explains: “The University has been very helpful in providing advice on things like registering with a doctor, opening a bank account, and guidance on part-time work.

“The Careers and Employment Service has helped with my CV and applications for internships, which will provide me with practical experience alongside my studies.”

Nta Nta studying in the library

A positive challenge

Once he has completed his degree, Nta plans to return to Nigeria to practise as a lawyer specialising in commercial law.

“This postgraduate qualification will help me improve my chances of getting better employment in this sector, and having a UK masters degree will help broaden my options internationally,” he says.

“So far, this has been a positive challenge, and it has helped me identify my strengths. For example, I’ve found the course-related research I need to do really interesting. And I’ve learned new things about law and its applicability to the commercial world.” 

PG Student speaking to career advisor

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Postgraduate student Nta Nta

This postgraduate qualification will help me improve my chances of getting better employment in this sector, and having a UK masters degree will help broaden my options internationally.

Nta Nta
Master of Laws (LLM)