Press Office

The Press Office is responsible for managing the University of Derby's reputation and raising its profile.

We put forward academics, support staff and student representatives for 'expert comment' on different topics to local and national print, online and broadcast media. Our University blog showcases academic and staff expertise, research and knowledge across a whole host of interesting topics, and is a useful source of content for the media.

We aim to ensure that journalists get to the facts and the people they want in the shortest possible time.

All enquiries from media should be directed through the Press Office by emailing or calling 01332 591891 during office hours. For out-of-hours enquiries, please contact:

You can also find us on X: @Derbyunipress

Contact information

Associate Director - Communications - Rosie Marshalsay

Head of Internal Communications - Alice Oliver

Head of PR and Social Media - Kelly Severn

PR Manager – Lydia Skerritt

PR Officer – Kerry Ganly

Entertainment engineering facilities at Markeaton Street

Over on the blog...

The University of Derby News Blog brings together academic comment on topics from Harry Potter to Empty Nest Syndrome – all for media to use.

Visit the blogVisit the blog